New PS5 Patent Suggests Cooling Solution Uses Liquid Metal

With the time for the release of the PS5 drawing closer, fans are trying to learn more about the next-gen console. While Sony has published a few different patents that may be used in the new gaming system, it seems more are coming to light. The most recent patent seems to enhance the qualities of the gaming console’s cooling system.

While Sony has previously patented ideas for the PS5, like using multiple GPUs for a higher performance output or creating a player identification system for recorded video content, this new patent looks like it is the answer to a problem fans have had issues with for quite some time. The PS4 has demonstrated many issues with its system cooldown, and this new patent appears to be the answer.

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The newest PS5 patent shows that the new consoles will not rely on fans for its cooldown system, which tends to get loud when the system has been in use for some time and interrupt an immersive gameplay experience. With this patent, it appears that liquid metal will be used to cool down the next gen console.

The liquefied metal will replace the grease that has been situated between the semiconductor chip and the system’s radiator. According to the patent, the metal will lower the thermal resistance between these two parts of the console, which will improve the cooling performance of the semiconductor chip.

The liquefied metal will be kept sealed in the console with “ultraviolet cured resin” so that it would not leak into other parts of the console while heated. While some people are nervous about the console containing liquefied metal, especially with an electronic device having to be built and shipped, but the metal is only liquefied when the device is on.

The operation of the PS5 console is what heats and thus liquefies the metal, drawing on the heat of the semiconductor. While there will still be fans to help control the airflow inside the next-gen console, the liquid metal will absorb the heat and significantly reduce the heat of the console and the noise that it takes for the cooldown system to work.

Xbox Boss Phil Spencer said that he liked the solution that Playstation came up with for the cooling system, but that was likely just referring to the next-gen console’s physical design and not the internal intricacies of the device. With these new details revealed, there is even more to look forward to when the holiday season comes this year.

The PS5 releases holiday 2020.

MORE: Sony Patents New Way to Advertise With PlayStation VR Headsets

Sources: PatentScope


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