Many fans of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate are looking forward to the next fighter’s release for the Fighters Pass Volume 2. With Min Min‘s overall positive reception to the arena, players are wondering who will be added to the game next. Some players have been noticing hints that suggest Dante from Devil May Cry may be a future addition to the fighting game.
People involved with both Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Devil May Cry have been dropping hints about Dante’s possible addition to the brawling game. While these clues may seem like circumstantial evidence on their own, together they make a creditable case for Dante being included at some point in the future.
PlatinumGames co-founder and former Devil May Cry Director Hideki Kamiya was interviewed by GameXplain, and during this time he was asked which characters he wanted to see in Smash Ultimate. Kamiya listed off four potential fighters: Leonhardt “Leo” Victorian from Anarchy Reigns, Wonder Red from Wonderful 101, Viewtiful Joe, and Amaterasu from Okami. However, he didn’t mention Dante, which is odd considering a survey he put out in December 2018. The survey included Dante and the other characters Kamiya mentioned — save Leo — with Dante getting a majority of the vote by a large margin. While the survey has been deleted, Kamiya is known to determine his future projects through Twitter polls, so many believe Dante’s exclusion from the recent list of characters is noteworthy.
Other hints back up Dante’s inclusion as well. Hideaki Itsuno, Director of Devil May Cry, pointed out in 2019 that characters included in Smash games had to have some tie in to Nintendo. At the time, Devil May Cry had not playable on a Nintendo system, but since then, the game has come out on the Nintendo Switch, so that requirement has been fulfilled. On top of this, V’s voice actor in Devil May Cry 5 may have let the secret slip a little early. During an interview, Brian Hanford said, “To be part of Marvel vs Capcom or Super Smash Bros would be huge, which is what Dante is going to be.”
While these hints on their own don’t prove anything, they make a compelling case for Dante. Fans seem to like this idea, so his inclusion in Fighters Pass Volume 2 would likely get a great reception. However, players will just have to wait and see if these clues will amount to anything as the next Smash Ultimate fighters are unveiled.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now on Switch.
Source: Dexerto
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