Apex Legends Season 6 Will Buff Loba | Game Rant

As Season 6 of Apex Legends, titled Boosted, rounds the corner to players this week, developers at Respawn Entertainment are becoming more forthcoming with details of what changes fans can expect this week. And it appears everyone’s favorite treasure hunter will be getting some love when the Apex Legends update drops this week.

Recently head writer Tom Casiello confirmed that Mirage will be receiving some more lore, and that there might not be changes coming for hipfire with assault rifles in Season 6 of Apex Legends. But as is tradition in-season updates, usually characters get buffs or reworks, as Mirage did at the start of Season 5.

RELATED: Respawn Addresses Apex Legends Player Complaints on Weapon Hipfire

Now it looks like last season’s Catwoman and Shakira-inspired legend, Loba will be receiving some more attention. According to comments on Reddit from Daniel Klein, Senior Game Designer at Respawn, Loba will be getting a bit of a buff.

As seems to be the norm in Apex Legends when a new character drops, Respawn errs on the side of caution when releasing a new legend and then buffs them later according to what it observes over the course of the season. Respawn does this instead of making them too strong and then nerfing them, which would disrupt the balance of the overall game. Klein points to Loba being lackluster with particular regard to her ultimate, Black Market Boutique. Loba’s ultimate allows her and her team to each teleport two pieces of loot to them from anywhere in the surrounding radius of where she deploys her ult.

Klein says he would like to up the number of items each player can grab, but the time it would take to implement such a change while everyone from Respawn is working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic means that type of buff won’t make it into Season 6. Instead, Loba will instead be receiving some other “little” buff, and what that could be is unknown.

It will be interesting to see what Loba’s changes will be, and how fans will react to them. It won’t be long until fans find out either, as Season 6 releases at 10 pm PST tomorrow or 1 am EST on Tuesday. This new season looks to be adding quite a bit, including changes to World’s Edge, a new energy-based SMG, the new machine-gun-toting legend Rampart, and some new skins that people are really loving online.

Until Season 6 drops, Apex Players can play the limited-time mode Always Be Closing: Evolved, which features no breaks between rounds, meaning the ring never stops coming. Players also all drop with Evo-shield armor and a Mozambique to make things extra interesting.

Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a Switch version also in development.

MORE: Apex Legends Brings Back Always Be Closing LTM With a New Twist

Source: Reddit


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