Fan Recreates Persona 5 Scene in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been growing even more popular among gamers, and the game has been breaking many Nintendo sales records throughout Japan, the US, and the whole world. With the game’s abilities to customize the world to the player’s desired appearance, many have used these features to recreate scenes from various television shows, movies, and other games.

From shows like Jersey Shore to iconic gaming franchises such as Legend of Zelda, many players have shown off their creative sides through this popular Nintendo title. One Animal Crossing: New Horizons player decided to use the game to recreate a scene from Persona 5 with villagers cast as the Phantom Thieves and Sojiro in fitting characterizations.

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While the reenacted scene isn’t an essential plot point in Persona 5, it’s one of the heartwarming scenes that endears the JRPG game to its many fans. The Phantom Thieves gather at Cafe LeBlanc to study for their exams while Sojiro works behind the bar. With funny yet fitting castings such as Hamlet playing Ryuji and Julian playing Yusuke, the scene plays out with the group studying for exams.

Makoto (played by Pashmina) explains the difference between the kanji for ‘bird’ and ‘crow’ before the group considers whether or not studying and schoolwork is meaningful. Dobie, who is playing the role of Sojiro, explains the importance of common sense, especially once someone is a married adult. Hamlet/Ryuji takes this opportunity to ask Joker, who is embodied by Raymond, about his view on marriage. Once the study session is complete, Raymond/Joker gain three notes of knowledge before the scene ends.

The scene shows off artful transitions and well-thought-out characterizations, including Morgana simply played by a lucky cat that was placed in the room. The camera shots and reactions from the villagers in the video accurately represent the actual part of the game in Persona 5 that it’s trying to emulate.

Even the design of the Animal Crossing version of Cafe LeBlanc, displaying close recreations of both the booth where the Phantom Thieves hold meetings and study together as well as the work area that Dobie/Sojiro typically hangs out at throughout the course of this scene and Persona 5.

Such artful depictions of other games on Animal Crossing islands display the true creativity of the Nintendo game’s player base. With these scenes and so many more being reenacted by players, it’s always exciting to see what the Animal Crossing community is going to come up with next.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: The Best Animal Crossing: New Horizons Dream Addresses Currently Out There


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