Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI; two JRPG juggernauts that have become extreme favorites for fans all over the world, there aren’t a lot of games that would be able to contend with these two fantastic entries of the genre. Nonetheless, there have been many debates over which game is the best, with some preferring one over the other.
Although it is an incredibly close call with each point changing depending on whom one asks, this article will attempt to showcase which game is better based on one interpretation. Here are the five ways that Chrono Trigger beats Final Fantasy VI. Likewise, there are also five ways Final Fantasy VI beats Chrono Trigger in some areas.
10 CHRONO TRIGGER: The Sprite Animation

Starting this off is Chrono Trigger. Going off small here, what is really impressive about both Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger was that they both had immaculate sprite work that makes them both quite impressive. However, with Chrono Trigger they offer up a little more when it comes to the overworld sprites.
Everyone within the cast has a very specific movement that makes them all stand out from each other. What’s more, they also have unique animations whenever they stand still or if they are doing dialogue. While Final Fantasy VI does this as well in certain instances, Chrono Trigger does it just a little better.
9 FINAL FANTASY VI: The Steampunk Aesthetic

Final Fantasy VI, just like many other games within the series has quite a unique aesthetic. What makes it stand apart compared to the other games before it was that it wasn’t completely full fantasy.
Instead, the game opted to go for a more steampunk setting with magic being a dying art. This allows for a setting that is able to stick to a lot of players minds over the duration of the entire game.

One of the elements of Chrono Trigger that makes it incredibly memorable is the time travel elements of the game. By travelling all throughout time, Chrono Trigger allows the player to go through a variety of eras.
Eras that are similar to a standard high fantasy setting, to the future that is far, far into the future. This really does add to the variety of places that the game takes the player and it is why the game was so memorable by many people.
7 FINAL FANTASY VI: Deeper Customization

Final Fantasy VI helps to offer a lot when it comes to the gameplay variety of the series. Predating the materia system that was seen in its sequel, Final Fantasy VI offers a magicite system. Also known as the crystalized remains of the Espers, this allows the characters to utilize magic whether through shards or equipment.
Not only that, but the character equipment that they wear does a deep effect on the stats of the characters. All of this combined with some Espers teaching characters certain abilities and it makes Final Fantasy VI’s customization to be quite distinct.
6 CHRONO TRIGGER: Akira Toriyama’s Characters

For the world of Chrono Trigger, the team opted to go for the art style of Akira Toriyama, the legendary mangaka is responsible for Dragon Ball as well as the art for the Dragon Quest series. His expressive and fun artistic direction allows for the characters to stand out, whether it’s by their expressions or by the weapon styles.
But outside of that, each of the characters has a very distinct personality and design approach which fits considering the time travel story that the game tries to tell.
5 FINAL FANTASY VI: The Story Is More Epic

This is probably one of the most difficult points to make with any JRPG — especially if they are amongst the greats of its genre. Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger both have incredible stories and both are also told incredibly well. At this point, it really is a matter of preference.
However, Final Fantasy VI’s story is still one of the grandest tales to be told. With over a dozen of characters stories to tell, it is also one of the richest. Although Chrono Trigger has an incredible time travel story, Final Fantasy VI just beats it by a hair. But really, this is a matter of preference.
4 CHRONO TRIGGER: It Has Better Gameplay

Both Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger use the turn-based system differently, with the former perfecting the active time battle system. That being said, Chrono Trigger’s gameplay system has become quite recognizable.
For example, rather than taken to another screen, battles happen right as players encounter an enemy. That’s because enemies appear on the screen rather it being a random encounter. Not only that, but Chrono Trigger also has a unique cooperative tech system which allows for combination techniques.
3 FINAL FANTASY VI: Nobuo Uematsu’s Music

The Final Fantasy series has no shortage when it comes to amazing music tracks. Composed by the legendary Nobuo Uematsu, the tracks on Final Fantasy VI is nothing short of impressive.
That isn’t to say that Chrono Trigger didn’t have any music that wasn’t just as good, but Final Fantasy VI has quite a lot of amazing tracks that just barely beats out Chrono Trigger. Songs such as the overworld theme or the final boss theme Dancing Mad are just some of the many notable Final Fantasy VI hits.
2 CHRONO TRIGGER: It Has Multiple Endings

One of the aspects that make Chrono Trigger such a memorable series is multiple endings that the player can potentially obtain if they reach a specific prerequisite. This allows the fans to have a lot of content as well as plenty of replay value.
This also makes the game more fun, as it offers a lot when it comes to what exactly happens with each ending. Will the ending be good or will it be bad? Is it tragic or is it silly? All of this helps to make the player have an even bigger connection to the characters they play with.
1 FINAL FANTASY VI: Everything About Kefka

With every JRPG, there is always a great threat that encompasses the entire game. Whether it’s an incredibly strong villain like Sephiroth or an absolute force of nature like Lavos from Chrono Trigger. But regardless, it seems the one that resonates with almost everyone is Kefka, the villain of Final Fantasy VI.
A complete jester, Kefka is nothing but an absolute evil and conniving character. His unpredictability helps add to the absolute madness that pervaded the majority of Final Fantasy VI’s story. This helps makes the final fight against him all the more impactful.

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