Ninjala Studio Threatens Bans For Unsportsman-like Behavior

GungHo Online Entertainment’s all-ages brawler Ninjala continues to grow in terms of player base and new content being developed for it, but with that growth comes a growing number of problematic players that the studio says it’ll do something about if they continue to act up.

The latest post on the game’s website details the situation. GungHo said that, in the nearly two months since Ninjala launched, it’s observed enough players engaging in “unsportsmanlike behavior” in both ranked and unranked matches to be concerned. Examples of such behavior, according to the post, include players “repeatedly idling,” “going unresponsive in mid-battle,” “robotically repeating a single action,” and “running around the stage but not participating in battle.”

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Being as these actions can have an “extremely adverse effect on the fairness” of Ninjala’s matchmaking, GungHo made it clear that it reserves the right to hit problem players with matching bans or account suspensions. “The Ninjala Team endeavors to provide a safe and fair gaming environment for all players, and we ask for your cooperation in enjoying the game responsibly and in accordance with the Terms of Service,” it wrote.

Even with enough unsportsmanlike players in the game to worry GungHo, Ninjala has managed to become very popular since launch. While a lot of people have dismissed it as a mere Splatoon knockoff, a lot more have been jumping into it. As of this week, Ninjala has been downloaded by over 4 million players, and now that the game features worldwide matchmaking, those players are able to play with one another like never before.

Ninjala is free-to-play for the Switch.

MORE: GungHo CEO Interested in Ninjala Splatoon Crossover

Source: Ninjala


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