It is no secret that Red Dead Redemption 2 is filled with secrets and mysteries that adds another layer of texture to an already amazing game. Of course, the fun part about all of these mysteries is that some of them remain unsolved today such as the mysterious disappearance of a crowd in the Saint-Denis theater.
Now, another mystery has captured the interest of Red Dead Redemption 2 players that take place on what appears to be an Indian burial ground. It is worth noting though that this mystery is not particularly new; however, despite Red Dead Redemption 2’s two-year existence, this secret still remains unsolved and will probably remain that way for the rest of time.

The whole Indian burial site mystery begins with players encountering Blind Man Cassidy in Red Dead Redemption 2. If the player decides to donate $1 to Blind Man Cassidy, he will proceed to tell the player their fortune. Now, upon reaching the epilogue, players should be able to encounter Blind Man Cassidy again, and upon making another $1 donation, he will say something that is more interesting than before. His exact words are, “I see sand and ocean and palm trees. Find the black flower and you will be rewarded.”
At first, several players initially thought that Blind Man Cassidy is referring to a specific location in Guarma, which is a tropical island that is only accessible during the Chapter 5 portion of the Story Mode. However, other players discovered a cabin somewhere in a Scratching Post near San Luis River, which is southwest of Tumbleweed. Upon reaching that cabin, players will discover what Blind Man Cassidy has been talking about. Inside the cabin, players will find a potted black flower, and behind it is a portrait of the beach, which has the “sand, and ocean and palm trees” that Blind Man Cassidy mentioned in his fortune.
Upon searching the area a bit more, players will find a drawer containing a platinum bracelet, and an Ancient Necklace. If the player closely examines the necklace, its description reads, “An Ancient Necklace from a time long ago.” At the moment, it appears that players cannot interact or do anything with the necklace, so its relevance in this entire mystery remains unclear. Upon exploring the area outside the cabin, players will find some interesting Indian statues there which seems to suggest that the area was once a site for some Native American rituals. Players who pay close attention to the game would recognize these Native American statues in another area of the game, and this is where the mystery begins.

The other Native American Burial Site can be found just to the west of Strawberry, players would know if they are in the right direction when they see a symbol of a weapon on their map, which is actually the center of this Native American Burial Site. As previously mentioned, the statues that players found in the Scratching Post near San Luis River are also found here. In his notebook, John Marston will indicate that his best guess is that the area is an Indian burial ground or some other ceremonial place.
Now, if players decide to shoot any of the statues in this location, it would earn them negative honor, which suggests that this particular area should be treated with respect. At first, it appears that there is nothing else to do in this area, but some players grew curious about the center of the burial site, which contains a weapon, which is, of course, the Stone Hatchet, surrounded by stones in a circular fashion. If the player decides to throw a Molotov cocktail towards the Stone Hatchet, it will of course light up, but rain would immediately pour to extinguish the fire, and once the fire is out, the rain would stop in an instant.
At first, some players thought that this may just be a coincidence given that Red Dead Redemption 2’s vast open-world environment features a weather system. However, upon throwing another Molotov cocktail into the pit containing the Stone Hatchet, players will notice that the weather would instantly change again, and it will rain once more just to extinguish the fire. If players observe the skies, they would see that the rain clouds that formed would instantly vanish as soon as the fire has been put out.
At the moment, no one knows exactly why this strange phenomenon keeps happening whenever the Stone Hatchet is lit into flames. However, the most logical explanation is that supernatural forces roam the Indian Burial Site that is also actively protecting the Stone Hatchet that is placed there. Of course, this particular mystery is definitely worth checking out and is once again a testament to just how much small details Rockstar Games put into Red Dead Redemption 2 in order to make a living and breathing world.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now for the PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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