Shroud, one of the most popular and successful live streamers online, recently returned to streaming after the closure of Mixer in July. With Mixer’s closure, Shroud’s exclusivity contract was bought out, leaving his next streaming home a mystery. As Shroud fans now know, he’s back to streaming on Twitch where he first built his audience. Twitch wasn’t the only option for Shroud, but it is the one he chose. Shroud recently took the time in one of his streams to explain why he made the decision.
Shroud, never the one to expound, said the reason for his choosing Twitch in a very simple manner. “Well obviously Twitch is the best,” is how Shroud started his breakdown of why he stayed with the platform, adding, “Right? Duh.” He then notes that he was “born and raised” on Twitch, referring to him starting streaming on Twitch and building his audience there before he eventually moved to Mixer.
Going on from there, Shroud lightly explains why he considers Twitch to be the best platforming for streaming. First, he says how Twitch is obviously the biggest platform for what he’s doing. He then says that Twitch is “all about gaming,” which pretty well captures why Shroud would prioritize Twitch over any other. If Shroud’s focus is entirely on gaming and so is Twitch’s, whereas other platforms don’t prioritize gaming, then Twitch is much more likely to care about Shroud in general.
There are more specific reasons for Shroud to come back to Twitch regarding the future that the streamer isn’t willing to explain yet. “I have some plans! Let me tell you, I’ve got some plans including gaming.” Exactly what Shroud is talking about isn’t clear, but he later hints that he has merchandising ideas that will be coming together later this year. So, perhaps Shroud is referring specifically to ways he’ll be using Twitch to make more money.
Odds are, Shroud was offered exclusivity contracts from all of the major streaming platforms, including YouTube, Facebook Gaming, and Twitch. If these new contract negotiations are anything like those that have been revealed publicly in the past, Twitch likely didn’t have the biggest offer. But Shroud is right, Twitch is the biggest streaming platform online for video games. And streaming on Twitch arguably opens the most doors for a streamer’s future.
Shroud’s obviously made and is making plenty of money, so, judging from his comments, his choice seems driven by other aspects of success. Twitch is thus Shroud’s platform, allowing him to do everything he wants to do with streaming, to the biggest streaming audience online. It’s tough to argue that Shroud didn’t make the right choice.

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