Shroud Killed By Hacker in Call of Duty: Warzone Twitch Stream

Call of Duty: Warzone is an immensely popular game for both casual gamers and streamers alike. However, it also attracts cheaters who have been giving players a hard time. Many who frequent the game have been trying to get the attention of Infinity Ward and Activision about this issue, but Shroud found out the hard way that hackers are still a huge problem in the game.

The popular streamer and former Counter-Strike: Global Offensive professional player Shroud recently returned to Twitch after Mixer shut down in July. While Shroud plays a lot of Valorant, he has also played Call of Duty: Warzone on his new platform. However, the Call of Duty game isn’t giving him as warm reception back to streaming as his viewers have.

RELATED: Call of Duty: Warzone Official Message Addresses Cheaters

Call of Duty games have been overrun by cheaters, and while their actions are blatant, ban waves can’t seem to keep up. Shroud experienced this firsthand on one of his first streams back. In one of his matches on August 15, he was taken out by an unseen enemy using a RAM-7 that had found the weapon on the floor.

Shroud began watching the opponent who had eliminated him through the kill cam. At first, Shroud was impressed by this player’s skills, but as he continued to obverse the player take out other opponents in quick succession, he realized the player was outright cheating. Since the weapon the player was using has significant recoil, it was basically impossible for the player to do what he did with his own skill alone, especially without attachments to the weapon.

When Shroud realized that the player was cheating, he was very upset and immediately quit out of Warzone. Shroud isn’t the first streamer to encounter cheaters like this player on stream. TimTheTatman also came across a player who had been using an aimbot for over 6 months and wasn’t afraid of the consequences, even after Tim said that he was going to report the cheater. Shroud’s refusal to continue streaming the game after running into the cheater shows how these players are impacting the overall state of the game.

While Infinity Ward has taken some steps to try to cut down on cheating, these efforts appear to have done little to stem the rampant flow of cheaters in the game. If cheating continues to grow at the rate that it has been without interference, players who want to compete with their own skills may be turned away from Call of Duty: Warzone in the future.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Why Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone Cheaters Aren’t Afraid of Bans


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