The 10 Most Overpowered Weapons In The Devil May Cry Series, Ranked

The Devil May Cry series continues to gift players with varying weapons that are always unique, deadly, and stylish. Throughout the series, players have gone through handfuls of weapon arsenals and different combinations. Today we will be looking through the Devil May Cry series and giving our picks for the most powerful weapons.

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We will not be focusing on weapons that are mainly for orb generation or have major glitches that result in game-breaking moments. While a weapon can be powerful in lore, we are majorly looking at its power in gameplay. With all of that, here are our picks for the most powerful weapons in the series.

10 Pandora

One, if not the most versatile weapon in the DMC series, is Pandora. A Devil Arm briefcase that can transform into 666 different forms of weaponry. While only in-game the player only has access to seven forms out of the hundreds, it ranges between melee weapons and guns.

The potential for different uses through the various weapons and button combinations truly takes a lot of experience to use to its fullest. An entire list could fill out the different applications of this weapon and how to combo between its various forms and uses in its standard style and gunslinger style.

9 Ebony & Ivory

It would not be a DMC list without mentioning the two iconic handguns that continue to be a staple part of every game when playing Dante. While they are typically the lowest damage dealing weapons in every game, yet it remains a fan favorite. The weapons power comes in its juggling potential to keep enemies stuck in mid-air to maintain combos.

Style is a significant factor in weapons in the DMC games. Ebony and & Ivory always deliver whenever the opportunity arises, especially in the hands of veteran hunters.

8 Buster Arm

Out of the many different options, Nero has to choose from when using his swappable arm. For this, we pick his Buster Arm, a weapon reminiscent of his original demon arm, the Devil Bringer. Much like his previous arm, this arm is powerful for tossing demons around with grapples and even some animations of suplexing them.

Even on larger enemies, Nero can still toss them around but needing to lower their health before using. While the Buster Arm is not as flashy or has a full move set like the Devil Bringer. Due to the arms limit on combat uses, its damage is nearly double than the original arm.

7 King Cerberus

King Cerberus is a powerhouse of a weapon, its like the original Cerberus from DMC3 but with many more upgrades. Where the original Cerberus only has powers of a tripartite nunchaku with ice powers. King Cerberus maintains the same ice form, a staff fire form, and a three-point staff with lightning.

Fast hard-hitting and very stylish combos that shift between stances and different elements with standard and in sword master move sets. The Cerberus was already a fan favorite, but now with this upgrade, the original cannot hold a candle to the king’s power.

6 Dr. Faust

One of the most outrageous weapons this unique hat will let you put your money where your mouth is. Being the only weapon that uses and generates Red Orbs, you can easily farm and deal tons of damage if you have lots of currency. However, what makes this weapon so powerful is when its in the gunslinger stance.

Holding a charge attack allows a player to spend a massive number of orbs to launch a red orb meteor, obtaining high combo meter, and nearly one shooting all mobs and some bosses. Even on the highest difficulty, this weapon has one-shot material, but that is the only powerful move it has. While it can be higher on this list, it is a mostly flashy weapon, and uses are mainly for orb generating and risk/ reward playstyle, and the attack has a massive windup.

5 Balrog

Empowering with the heart of a pure boxer, Balrog allows Dante to unleash a flurry of blows and dodge almost everything. With a massive amount of juggling, stun locking, and fast-paced combos, this weapon has it all. Along with a bob and weave dodge that allows you to escape any attack from any enemy or boss with proper timing.

With two styles of punching and kicking modes, along with standard and swordmaster move sets, it is almost like a whole different game. Also, naming the weapon as a reference to Balrog from Street Fighter is a nice touch.

4 Red Queen

The primary weapon for Nero part sword, part bike, all-powerful health bar chunking hits. When comparing the Red Queen and Rebellion, the two always shift in who rocks the most power. We put Red Queen here for its slower style to combat, but it does have some high-power moment.

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With either force revving the swords engines or building through combos, the sword can unleash some severe punishment. Along with a satisfying revving sound when building up or unleashing your stored attack. However, it is slow, but it’s hard, so it still makes the list.

3 Rebellion

Coming right after is the Rebellion, a staple of Dante’s weaponry ever since DMC2. This weapon pairing with Dante’s iconic Ebony & Ivory now is apart of his classic look.

Aside from looks, this weapon performs differently to the Red Queen. With a much faster classic hack and slash play style, this sword is what many fans have come to love over the years. What it lacks in flare on the surface it comes with more great pacing combos and an evolving move set. Also including a handful that is just a series of quick jabs and spins which rank up the style factor.

2 Yamato

It would not be a list if we didn’t mention the classic sword that always remains at Vergil’s side, Yamato. A powerful katana that has embodies the lighting speed slashes that can cut through anything.

Even the fabric of space can be split apart with a few swings of Yamato. The sword has made many appearances, but few times have players been able to use it. Its move set it showcases, cutting faster than the eye can see, and even slicing a thousand times in a small area. For years it continues to remain one of the strongest weapons in the entire series since the beginning.

1 Devil Sword Dante

New fans will see this entry as no surprise. However, let’s go over why it could beat Yamato after so many years. After Dante stabs himself with Rebellion, absorbing the sword and Sparta Dante unleashes his Sin Devil Trigger.

Along with this new devil trigger, the sword now replaces Rebellion, and while we do not know all of its powers, it was enough to stand up to Vergil and match him in power. Along with the sword now apart of Dante, the sword also reacts to every different style he uses, much like Rebellion does. Devil sword mirrors rebellions move set, further upgrades it with chasing swords new moves and more power. Along with an enhancing devil trigger that shifts Dante more into a demon than ever before.

NEXT: 10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Vergil In Devil May Cry


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