Valorant Players Ask Riot to Fix Unfair Footstep Audio Advantage

Since its initial beta release, Valorant has gotten a massive following as many gamers are enjoying the new FPS shooter from Riot Games. However, the fanbase does not come without criticism, and many players are stepping up to ask Riot Games to improve a section of the game that hasn’t been touched much since Valorant’s full release: footstep audio.

Since its release, many of the audio cues in Valorant have been refined. Riot Games is working to make sure that each weapon has a unique firing sound, even giving added sound effects with different weapon cosmetics. However, very little difference has been made to the footstep audio indicators, and many fans are calling for that to change.

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Footstep audio is incredibly important when playing Valorant as it helps indicate when an opponent is nearby. However, this audio is very two-dimensional, meaning that players can only tell that someone is within their audio range but not what direction or how far away the sounds are coming from around the map. One Reddit user by the screenname of ComOddity took to the platform to call for Riot Games to change this. As footstep audio currently stands, defenders are at a significant advantage. According to this player, being able to hear opponents within a certain radius regardless of walls makes it much easier for defenders to set up camp and be ready for those trying to defuse the spike.

This user, as well as others in the comments, appealed to Riot Games to add some more depth and layers to the footstep audio. The user suggested that the footstep audio range be reduced and that obstacles between two players should dampen the sound. The player also echoed a popular sentiment of the game’s fanbase and said that players should be able to tell how close or far opponents are based on their footsteps’ volume. If Riot Games also added depth to the audio, then players could also tell where an enemy Valorant Agent is coming from. Riot Games has not responded to this idea, but many hope the developer will take these suggestions into consideration.

Riot Games is currently working through other additions and changes to the game such as Valorant’s ranking system. While the company has said that it will be working on customizing skins and other improvements, it has also stated that these changes would take its team away from other projects. Hopefully the Valorant team will see these changes as important enough to become one of their main projects.

Valorant is out now for PC.

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