Ghost of Tsushima is Getting a New Co-Op Mode | Game Rant

Launching a month ago to rave reviews and record-breaking financial success, Sucker Punch’s Ghost of Tsushima has easily been one of the biggest games of the year, with players unanimously agreeing that it’s a strong final exclusive to close out Sony’s first-party lineup. However, it seems the game hasn’t finished dishing out surprises for its legion of new fans, with Sony recently revealing that the open-world action blockbuster will be getting an entirely free new co-op mode this fall.

Titled Ghost of Tsushima: Legendsthe mode was announced via a brief trailer on PlayStation’s Twitter page, with the core concept seemingly allowing four players to team up and battle supernatural enemies. In turn, it appears the mode will be leaning more into the paranormal, with the trailer showing glimpses of horned demons and eerie gateways to hellish realms.

RELATED: How Ghost of Tsushima’s Ending Ties Into History

The footage begins with a sight familiar to anyone who has played through Ghost of Tsushima‘s main campaign, showing one of the wooden arches that often indicate the presence of a Shinto Shrine standing alone in a field of pampas grass. As wind calmly blows through the quiet field, the scene suddenly shifts, with the archway transforming into what appears to be a demonic portal to a world filled with floating corpses, nightmarish landscapes, and menacing, demonic figures sporting twisted samurai masks. It seems this world isn’t as devoid of human life as it first seems, however, with four samurai warriors emerging into the satanic environment ready to wage war.

The trailer then cuts between some brief snippets of gameplay, showing the players navigating this demonic realm while utilizing some of the most prevalent mechanics featured in Ghost of Tsushima’s campaign. The environments seem to be unique twists on the game’s original map, with players able to use the grapplehook to navigate between areas and take advantage of the game’s acclaimed combat system to dispatch their creepy foes. It’ll be interesting to see whether each of the warriors shown in the clip represent an individual class, with the four heroes – labeled Ronin, Hunter, Assassin, and Samurai – appearing to specialize in different aspects of Ghost of Tsushima’s combat.

Overall, it looks to be a fun new activity for fans of the recent Sucker Punch title, especially seen as the original game made a distinct effort to separate itself from the more supernatural myths and legends of 13th-century Japan. While Ghost of Tsushima definitely references these tall tales, it often exposed them to be larger than life exaggerations of grounded events, so seeing Sucker Punch embrace the paranormal is a strong set up for a multiplayer mode.

Ghost of Tsushima is out now on PlayStation 4.

MORE: 10 Crazy Stories About Ghost Of Tsushima’s Development


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