It wouldn’t be a proper weekend without a new Call of Duty: Warzone bug raising its head at players. Coming right on the heels of the new version of the third person bug is the danger of losing items to stairs. It seems that some staircases in the game can eat a player’s dropped items, making them dangerous areas for teams to trade loot.
Call of Duty: Warzone has seen items go missing before, most recently to Munitions boxes stealing ammo rather than supplying it. For some players, it seems that the big new threat is stairs behaving like mimic chests and eating whatever loot is dropped nearby. This was warned by Reddit user “ohrules”, who posted a video of dropped cash falling straight through the stairs and out of the game.
In Warzone, cash is as good as guns. Players can use cash to buy equipment, revive players, and purchase their favorite loadouts. For players to not feel safe giving cash, guns, and ammo to their teammates, it turns the co-operative modes into solo modes in groups. With players unable to help each other by sharing resources, it cuts down on one of the biggest aspects of the multiplayer experience. Rather than collecting ammo and cash for other players, this forces everyone to hunt every single item down themselves.
This isn’t the only issue with the floor and walls not working properly in the game. The Stadium opened up at the start of the season, only to reveal a broken pillar where Warzone players can hide. In a game as competitive as Warzone, the competition is lost when the game doesn’t follow its own rules. Losing items through the floor and hiding inside of walls are just two examples of bugs that are game breaking in this highly popular competitive game.
While some of these glitches are ruining the game, there are others that have been fixed. The highly discussed weapon model glitch, which made players and guns show up as giant porcupines of Warzone dark matter, has seemingly been put to rest. This issue being solved is a huge step in the right direction of fixing the many bugs littering the game.
As a prime example of how bad some of the glitches and exploits are, professional streamer Shroud recently quit Warzone because of a cheater. Fans are unsure if he will return, but the likely answer is that Warzone will continue to lose players as long as rampant bugs, blatant cheating, and content that just adds more glitches continue.
Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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