Respawn Developer Discusses Ways to Counter Rampart in Apex Legends

A new season of Apex Legends means a new addition to the roster and new strategies to employ against opponents. Tonight will see Season 6’s new character, Rampart, make her way into the Apex Games, and from everything Respawn Entertainment’s shown so far, she will be quite formidable. To that end, the developer has actually offered players a few tips that should help them counter her.

Rampart looks like the perfect pick for defense-oriented players who prefer to hold down a location primarily with heavy fire, as Respawn detailed in yesterday in a new Apex trailer that revealed her abilities. At her disposal will be a kit that will let her deploy fortifications like amp shields and minigun-turrets, as well as let her fire weapons with greater frequency. She sounds like she can be truly devastating in the right hands and the right location, but that doesn’t mean players won’t have ways to get around her fortifications.

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During a recent Reddit AMA, Respawn designer Daniel Klein offered a few strategies for countering the shields Rampart deploys with her tactical ability, Amped Cover. First off, instead of attacking the shields directly, since they absorb enemy bullets, Klein suggested leading with grenades. “Grenades are truly the bane of Rampart’s existence. If a Rampart’s fortified with walls and her HMG, just throw a few nades her way and she’s gonna have to go and rebuild somewhere else,” he wrote.

Players might also be able to get through Rampart’s defenses with Crypto’s drone, which is capable of destroying or disabling the abilities of other characters in Apex Legends. However, since Klein wasn’t personally involved in Rampart’s creation, he couldn’t say for sure if the drone also has that effect on her shields.

In addition to offering players tips for getting around Rampart, Klein balanced things out by also offering a quick tip for getting the most out of her, namely suggesting that players could really set up some brutal defenses by pairing her shields with Wattson’s electric fences. “Now… that might be a scary combo…” he wrote, so that’s something players should keep in mind when deciding on team compositions with Rampart.

Season 6 is set to kick off tonight at 10:00 PM PST, so only a few hours remain before players can start putting Rampart through her paces and see how she compares to the rest of Apex Legends’ characters.

Apex Legends is free-to-play for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with Steam and Switch versions set to follow this fall. A mobile version is also planned to launch later this year.

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Source: Reddit


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