Kingdom Hearts player beats Sephiroth with a Dance Pad

Video game super bosses are a staple used to test the might and fortitude of players up for a challenge. High health bars met with extreme damage output and a fortified defense, it’s a fight only the most dedicated are willing to go through. For one Kingdom Hearts player, simply beating the game’s ultimate challenge was not enough of a triumph, thus requiring some extra steps.

YouTuber and streamer SarahKey achieved an incredible feat by beating Sephiroth from the original Kingdom Hearts with a dance pad. This is the culmination of a Kingdom Hearts playthough that only used the controller originally meant for rhythm and dancing games.

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Sephiroth is not only considered to be the hardest boss of the original Kingdom Hearts, but one of the toughest within the franchise. It’s often said to be one of the best Sephiroth battles ever by pushing players to the limit. SarahKey winning a fight most players struggle with by normal means is worth the applause. The battle itself is something spectacular to watch, even just through the highlights posted in the Twitter video below.

During the Sephiroth fight, protagonist Sora is at it alone while party members Donald and Goofy are sidelined. This means that party healing is off the table, which isn’t all that different as Donald was pretty bad at healing. SarahKey thus had to manage health through the quick menus while dodging and attacking the overly aggressive Final Fantasy 7 villain. Easily the best moment of the video was the very worn-out streamer dropping to the floor as she achieved victory.

SarahKey’s achievement is another success in the growing trend of legwork challenges. Dance pads were often considered a peripheral only intended for DDR players but it is quickly becoming the new flex in the streaming age. There are many stories of players tackling games of yesteryear using only hops, jumps, and steps. One of the famous dance pad victories came from a franchise regarded for its brutal difficulty. Just last month, a streamer named Luality beat Dark Souls 3 with a Dance Pad. What added more weight to the already impressive achievement was that Luality did it with a level one character.

SarahKey continues her journey through the Kingdom Hearts franchise with the DDR controller as she is currently in her Kingdom Hearts 2 playthrough. As for the next step in the series, SarahKey may be practicing for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory rhythm game which might have a release date thanks to a leak.

Kingdom Hearts is available now on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One through the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX Release.

MORE: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Beat With Dance Dance Revolution Pad


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