Overwatch players have seen many changes to their favorite heroes. Some become too powerful and get nerfed, while others see buffs or entire character reworks. One popular hero is getting a little bit of both if the recent experimental changes end up staying in the game. It seems that the damaging healer Moira might get one serious buff along with some important offensive adjustments.
Moira, one of the Overwatch characters added since the game’s initial release, has been in the spotlight for changes for quite a while. Over the summer, the developers experimented with allowing her new Fade ability to cure nearby allies of status effects and make all of them immune to damage for one second when she comes out of the ability. This was met with outcry from fans, who said that this was too powerful and damaged the balance of the game. The development team announced they were scrapping that plan, or so it seemed.
Fade healing allies is exactly the main change that Overwatch’s Experimental Mode is working on. This updated version would allow Moira to heal nearby allies in a 6-meter radius upon exiting Fade, as well as making them immune to damage for 1 second. However, the allies would still suffer any ailments, such as Ana’s grenade or Mei’s freezing effects. In addition, both Zarya’s Graviton Surge and Sigma’s Gravitic Flux would still affect enemies through this immunity window. The cooldown on Fade has also been increased from 6 to 8 seconds, hopefully balancing all of these new changes.

Moira’s offensive abilities will require even more accuracy than normal in this rework. Normally, Moira’s Biotic Damage Orb can ricochet around corners and down hallways, zapping any enemies it approaches. With these new changes, the orb will only bounce a single time. Instead of floating and zapping, it will now stick to a target. While attached, the orb will deal a constant 60 DPS to any enemy near it. The orb will disappear after 3 seconds or after 120 damage to the stuck player. In addition to this, Moira’s Biotic Grasp will require more accuracy as its attach angle has been lowered by 37%.
Biotic Grasp
- Attach angle reduced by 37%
Biotic Damage Orb
- Now sticks to enemies when impacting them, instead of piercing through them
- Only deals damage if stuck to a target
- Deals a constant 60 DPS to all enemies
- Will remain on a stuck player for 3 seconds or until 120 damage is dealt to that player, whichever happens first
- The Orb is destroyed if it hits an enemy barrier
- Reduced max number of bounces to 1
- Increased projectile speed from 20 to 25
- Now phases out all allies within 6 meters (and self) for 1 second after exiting Fade
- No longer frees Moira or allies from Zarya’s Graviton Surge or Sigma’s Gravitic Flux
- Cooldown increased from 6s to 8s
It is interesting to see what sort of changes the developers are trying to make with certain heroes. The discussion around possible Symmetra and Mei reworks, in addition to these Moira changes, just goes to show how alive and flexible Overwatch is. Just when things start to get boring or unbalanced, nerfs and reworks take effect and shake the game up once more. With Overwatch 2 still on the horizon, it will be interesting to see what changes make it into the original game and what will be saved for its sequel.
Overwatch is available on the Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
Source: Overwatch

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