Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Trailer Discovered, Reveal Date Announced

After hours of work over days of puzzle-solving, YouTube Call of Duty: Warzone streamer NoahJ456 has solved the puzzle and found the first Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War trailer. Fans have searched for the video for weeks, with every hint building up to this. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is now confirmed, with a worldwide reveal date on the horizon.

NoahJ has been following this trail since he solved the original projector puzzle and found the teaser site. Everything since then has been a maze of ciphers, puzzles, information, and historical references from Treyarch. The massive surge of information has finally come to a head with the trailer’s debut, and a proper worldwide reveal of the game slated for August 26.

The trailer starts by setting players at the height of the Cold War. On-screen, a man speaks about Codename Persues and the subversive efforts of the Soviet Union during the arms race. The four stages of undermining a nation: demoralization, destabilization, crises,  and normalization are discussed with hints of knowing history. The trailer warns that those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.

Fans can expect several things from the upcoming title. A game based on real events, driven by historical references, and fueled by Soviet and U.S. distrust. This will take players back into the Cold War, the era of true Black Ops gameplay. Although systems have not been revealed, the game will be debuting in less than a week to the global audience.

Call of Duty: Cold War will be revealed worldwide on August 26.


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