From Software’s games are infamous for many things. One of these is a very complicated side quest system. Souls games’ side quests are usually related to NPCs. Usually, you have to complete several tasks and talk to the NPCs in specific places to progress their quests. And there are events throughout the game which can lock you out of certain side quests.
Dark Souls 3 continued this tradition. It has some very complicated questlines, even by FromSoftware standards. Some of these require very specific and non-intuitive steps and are likely to be overlooked by players on a blind playthrough. Others need you to perform some creative platforming to get to them or keep specific items that they need to progress their questlines. So, it’s no surprise that these ten side quests are overlooked by players.
10 Siegward

Getting to Siegward in the tower on Undead Settlement requires some elevator acrobatics. After you meet him for the first time, he’ll move to a wooden platform halfway up the tower. The elevators in this tower are not very straightforward either, with one going up and another going down from the same place. Once you find your way up, you’ll pass by his platform, and you might hear his signature hemming and hawing. If not, however, you will completely miss his questline and condemn him to a lifetime of stasis in front of a fire demon.
9 Yoel/Yuria

Yoel or Yuria’s sidequest requires a lot of non-intuitive actions. You won’t really even find him if you’re not one for searching every corner of the map obsessively. Or if you are put off by creepy moaning from what looks like a group of tastefully decorative corpses. But once you do talk to him, you have to go back and hollow yourself oh so many times before you reach a certain point or the quest will just end. If you succeed, however, you’ll find Yuria and have to jump through more hoops (including a particular wedding ring) all for the chance to experience a different ending that you might mess up at the last moment by resting at a bonfire.
8 Irina

Unlike the first two, Irina is not a hard person to find. But you can easily mess up her entire questline and cause her to get corrupted and die. Irina is one of the NPCs who you can give magic tomes to, and she will let you buy spells from it. If you give her a couple of specific books, however, it will lock you out from the good ending. And if you do give her all the correct books but don’t buy all the spells out, her quest won’t be completed. So unless you have a Gamefaqs message board guiding you, you probably won’t get this quest on your first playthrough.
7 Yellowfinger Heysel

The only way to initiate Heysel’s sidequest is to having your ember restored at an area near the Road Of Sacrifices, and then fighting her. Later, you have to give a particular item to a particular person and summon her for the Abyss Watchers fight, and she ends up giving you a gesture. But if you decide to pursue this quest, you will be locked out of the next NPC’s sidequest. And the game doesn’t exactly tell you as much. Unless you’ve been keeping embered all the time, you’re likely to miss her.
6 Sirris

Sirris is easy enough to find. She just shows up in Firelink Shrine, at which point you can talk to her and begin her quest. However, if you do the steps to summon Heysel for the Abyss Watchers fight, you’ll lock yourself out of Sirris’ quest.
If you don’t, you’re still going to have your work cut out for you. She has what is easily one of the most convoluted questlines in the game. Just don’t go collecting any pale tongues.
5 Orbeck

While Orbeck is not exactly hidden, he will refuse to talk to you unless you have 10 intelligence. Once you do, you have to find a few scrolls and give them to him before the Abyss Watchers fight, or he will leave forever. Also, if you have been continuing the Yuria sidequest, you’ll get a mission to kill Orbeck, which will naturally bring a stop to his questline. So it’s really easy to lock yourself out of his story and all he has to offer.
4 Patches

The treacherous, treacherous Patches has been in every Soulsborne game, in one form or another. His role is always to trick the player. Here, however, finding him is a lot harder than in the other games. To find Patches here, you have to turn left just before the Deacons Of The Deep fog wall to open a shortcut, then leave the cathedral completely and return through the shortcut you just opened. There, you’ll find a bridge with Siegward on it which will start Patches’ story. There’s also a chance that he won’t spawn there, and you’ll have to go through a different series of steps in Firelink to get to him.
3 Anri and Horace

Anri and Horace are not hard to find. However, their quest is very long, involves a series of esoteric steps, and has a diverging point. At this point, you have to choose if you want to follow her questline or get the Usurpation of Fire ending from the Yuria questline.
But, as is always the case, they don’t really tell you what to choose for either case. Instead, you just have to decide to act or choose through inaction, backtrack a lot, then “marry” Anri or kill her.
2 Archdragon Peak

The Nameless King and Archdragon Peak have become infamous for their difficulty. But, for an area of such huge importance, it is really hard to get to it. You have to fight Consumed King Oceiros first, which is not an easy fight. But if you manage to deal with his instakill charges, you have to go and get a gesture. Then you have to go to a certain area and perform that gesture, and you’ll be transported to this area. Make your way through the dragons and you’ll get a shot at Gwyn’s Firstborn, the Nameless King, and his giant dragon.
1 End Of Fire

Dark Souls III has 4 main endings, not counting the DLC ones. The End Of Fire ending has two versions, one of which is pretty straightforward. You get a pair of Firekeeper’s Eyes from the Untended Graves and give them to the Firekeeper. This will trigger a cutscene for the standard End Of Fire ending. But, during the final scene, you have a short window of time where you gain control of your character. If you kill the Firekeeper in this time, you get the alternate version of the End Of Fire ending.

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