Ghost of Tsushima: Legends – Assassin Class Prediction

Ghost of Tsushima encourages players to choose a play style that best fits them and gives each player the tools to succeed regardless of the path they choose. Players can approach problems honorably like a Samurai or stealthily like the Ghost, or use a mixture of the two. Ghost of Tsushima: Legends introduces the Assassin class, which will likely function more like The Ghost than a typical Samurai. By name alone, players can assume that this character will strike from shadows, using underhanded tactics, and perhaps some Ghost Weapons to win fights against tougher enemies.

Ghost of Tsushima: Legends was only just recently announced, so concrete details and information about character techniques and capabilities doesn’t exist yet. Everything here is speculation founded on information existing within the game and a close analysis of the trailer. With that in mind, fans should take the predictions here with a grain of salt, as Sucker Punch could very well surprise fans by doing something unexpected. Likewise, it is wise to remember that until Sucker Punch or Sony make an official announcement with more character class details, everything is subject to change, even what has already been shown in the trailer.

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These four classes seem to represent different aspects of Jin taken to the extreme, so the Assassin may take heavy influence from techniques from the Ghost page of the pause menu. Likely candidates to make it into Assassin’s repertoire include the Kunai, Smoke Bomb, Wind Chime, and applicable upgrades, as well as the Chain Assassination Master and Stealth Hearing. These existing techniques would go a long way to helping the Assassin perform her role adequately. Regarding Mythic Techniques, the most suitable one is likely the Way of the Flame, as though it initiated as an honorable Samurai technique, it was ultimately bastardized and used by the invading Mongols against the Japanese people.

Beyond that, the Assassin is still shrouded in mystery. Unlike the other four character classes, her attire doesn’t seem to be inspired by any particular character or armor set found within the game. Although there are some loose connections to Tomoe thanks to the mask she wears, Tomoe would be a more fitting model for the Hunter class given her skill at archery. With that in mind, the best connection to draw would be to the Ghost Armor, as there are some similarities there, and if that is the inspiration, Assassin may even have access to Ghost Stance. More likely than not, though, that will be specific to Jin.

The Assassin is the character shown off the least in the trailer, which unfortunately means not much is known about her. She is clearly one of the three characters using a grappling hook, and in one scene, she is shown with a Half Bow on her back meaning she will have some form of archery available to her. That’s about all that was shown to set her apart from other characters, which isn’t much since many of the new classes in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends also have grappling hooks and bows.

During a few seconds near the end of the Ghost of Tsushima: Legends trailer, it cuts to a snippet of each character using a supernatural power to take down demonic enemies, but Assassin is simply shown using the moon stance to kick a brute type enemy. It’s unclear whether her supernatural power alters the moon stance in some way or if this wasn’t actually a showcase of that, but at least players can know the assassin will probably have access to moon stance. Regardless, more information should be coming soon the closer it gets to fall.

Ghost of Tsushima: Legends releases in Fall 2020 on PS4.

MORE: What to Expect From Ghost of Tsushima: Legends


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