Google 6GHz test request hints at SAS goal

Google sought permission from the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to conduct a series of trials at 6GHz, a move apparently aimed at developing a spectrum sharing system for the band.

The company proposed running tests in 17 states over the course of two years, operating between 5650MHz and 7125MHz. Though it requested confidential treatment for parts of its application, Google stated its objective is to “improve propagation models for incorporation in Automatic Frequency Coordination (AFC) systems to support unlicensed spectrum use in the 6GHz band”.

It added data gleaned from testing will be “relevant to the utility of these frequencies for providing reliable broadband connections”.

In April, the FCC voted to open the entire 6GHz band for unlicensed use [1]. It permitted low-power and indoor deployments without the need for an AFC system to manage access to the band, but specified one will be required for applications operating at standard power levels to avoid interference with incumbent services.

Google was one of a handful of companies certified by the FCC to provide a Spectrum Access System (SAS) to manage frequency sharing in the 3.5GHz band. Its trial application suggests it is keen to replicate that model in the 6GHz band.



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