Halo Infinite Releases New Song From the OST | Game Rant

Many players are looking forward to Halo Infinite as it is set to be a flagship title for the Xbox Series X.  The series has been a huge selling point for the Xbox consoles in the past and many have enjoyed its dramatic first-person shooter focus. As a result, the next installment of Halo has to meet high expectations in terms of story, graphics, and gameplay. Equally, the series has always had a tasteful soundtrack which has added to its cinematic action and one of the songs from the upcoming game has now been shared.

Soundtracks are important in games and they often allow players to enter a mindset when facing bosses or entering rest areas. As a result, composers are carefully chosen for titles and Halo Infinite has added Joel Corelitz who previously worked on Death Stranding to the music team. Corelitz is joining Gareth Coker and Curtis Schweitzer who have already been developing the soundtrack for the highly anticipated Halo Infinite.

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Through a post on the Halo Waypoint Blog, Joel Corelitz explained the challenges of writing for a series which historically has an acclaimed soundtrack as well as their inspiration. Corelitz discussed the power of previous Halo music, “Halo has a very strong musical identity. So strong, that you could hear just a few seconds of a Halo score playing from another room and recognize it.” Few fans would disagree with the legacy that the music from the games have had and it seems to have impacted how Corelitz approached their work. The composer went on to discuss the track that they have created, which has been released from the soundtrack for Halo Infinite. The song is called “Trough the Trees”.

The new song actually draws off a piece of music from the original Halo: Combat Evolved and Corelitz unpacked the musical evolution, ““Through the Trees” is my interpretation of “A Walk in the Woods.” “This piece was the perfect opportunity to recontextualize an existing piece with an unexpected chord progression.” Fans have already seemed to recognize the inspiration and many are commenting that after hearing this piece of music, they do not mind that Halo Infinite is delayed. With this response in mind, it is clear that Corelitz is a welcome addition to the team and that excitement is still building for Halo Infinite.

Many fans appreciate that Halo Infinite is being delayed for positive reasons, and fans will hope that this soundtrack is indicative of the time and care that is taken in the game. If Halo Infinite is as meticulously put together as the soundtrack, then Halo fans will be in store for a compelling game when it is finally released.

Halo Infinite is set to release sometime in 2021 for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Halo Infinite Last Halo Release Planned for Foreseeable Future, Will Improve Over Time

Source: Halo Waypoint


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