Apex Legends Season 6 Character Tier List | Game Rant

Season 6 of Apex Legends is officially underway and players are starting to feel their way through this season’s meta. Quite a few big changes came with the start of the season, including a massive change to Body Armor and time-to-kill numbers. And of course as with every new season in Apex Legends, there are some major character balance changes as well as a brand new legend making their debut in the Apex Games: Rampart. This Legend is likely to shift the meta around more than usual, so it’s time to dive in and see how all of the Legends are doing in Season 6.

Note: Legends are sorted into tiers based on solo survivability and damage potential, what they add to their team comp, and how they fit into the current meta of the game. 

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Bloodhound – Bloodhound has been the recipient of several buffs over the past season, each making the technological tracker more deadly than the last. With the game-changing Season 6 update, Bloodhound got yet another massive buff to make them even more powerful. In a previous update, Respawn made it so that during Beast of the Hunt, when Bloodhound knocked or killed an opponent, five seconds were added to the duration of Beast of the Hunt. Now, the time added is based on how much time is left before the end of the Ultimate. Now, if Bloodhound knocks an enemy at the very end of Beast of the Hunt, a whopping 15 seconds are added to the Ultimate, starting the cycle of slatra all over again.

Moreso, Bloodhound’s tactical, Eye of the Allfather, now behaves differently when used in Beast of the Hunt. When using their scan, it will now pulse out twice as fast and will only have a cooldown of six seconds (the normal cooldown is 25 seconds). These massive changes make Beast of the Hunt an absolutely terrifying thing to face off against, and makes Bloodhound the ultimate killing machine in the Apex Games.

Gibraltar – Despite yet another nerf coming to the man, the myth, the legend himself, Gibraltar still remains an absolute powerhouse. The time-to-kill and Evo Shield changes make every Legend easier to take down, but this only makes Gibraltar’s Gun Shield and Dome Shield more valuable. Additionally, if placed precisely right, Gibraltar can dome a Rampart turret and still have it shoot out of the dome while protecting the gunner. Season 6 brought a nerf to Gibraltar’s ultimate in the form of a longer cooldown, but that isn’t enough to knock the king off his throne. He’s still the one and only legend who can take a Kraber headshot and still live.

Crypto – Crypto’s shift in the meta comes more from the rise of defensive characters (like Rampart and Wattson), rather than any major change to his kit. Season 6 brought some big changes like a new crafting system, but it also brought some big changes to the Recon class of characters. Now all three (Crypto, Bloodhound, and Pathfinder) can scan Survey beacons to get the next ring location – and Crypto can scan them instantly with his drone. Moreso, Crypto can now activate Respawn beacons with his drone which is a massive tactical advantage. Crypto’s EMP, which does slow teammates caught in the blast, is absolute critical to breaking Rampart, Caustic, and Wattson defensive lines, so Crypto is slowly becoming a must-have on team comps.

Lifeline – Lifeline has always been an important character in the Apex Legends meta due to her being the only character that can actively heal herself and others. With the new TTK changes in place, healing is more valuable than ever, especially in later engagements.  Lifeline also received a buff that allows her to use her D.O.C Drone to revive someone so she can either revive someone else or continue fighting. This completely changes how mid-battle revives work, and can be a huge boon to her team if played correctly. Her Care Package Ultimate can still provide useful supplies, and as part of her recent buff, they can also provide additional items if they are small.

Mirage – Mirage has had a resurgence in the playerbase thanks to last season’s rework of his abilities. Mirage adds pure chaos to the battlefield, and gives away enemy positions thanks to his duplicates. His ultimate ability can cause mass confusion if used properly, giving him a surprisingly strong edge in battle. Perhaps most importantly, Mirage’s new passive allows him to turn invisible when reviving (or respawning) a teammate, which is a massive tactical advantage. While he will be revealed if enemies get too close, Mirage is still one of the strongest all-around Legends in the game currently, who will thankfully be getting some more lore this season.

Rampart – Rampart is the newest Legend to join the games, and Rampart’s abilities and ultimate are incredibly powerful. Her Tactical Ability throws down cover that has an Amp Shield on top which will boost outgoing damage while blocking incoming damage. The wall can be destroyed, and if shot while deploying it will instantly break. However, the boosted damage is nothing to laugh at – especially with the new TTK changes.

Up to five of these walls can be deployed at any time. Her Passive Ability gives her increased reload speed and magazine size with LMGs and her Ultimate Minigun. This pairs extremely well with the returning Devotion LMG or the always-reliable Spitfire. Her Ultimate deploys a high-power, high rate-of-fire minigun that anyone can man. Three of these can be deployed at any time, and while they have high power and damage potential, the reload is painfully slow for non-Rampart players, and it has a relatively narrow cone of movement. Her kit is powerful, but is by no means overpowered once players learn how to counter this powerful Legend. However, players that play her right will feel as powerful as she looked in the Season 6 gameplay trailer.

Revenant – Despite Revenant’s lackluster introduction to the Apex Games, he has skyrocketed up the tier lists and earned a spot as a solid A-Tier Legend. Revenant received several buffs, vaulting him up as one of the strongest characters in Apex Legends. Since then, Respawn has removed the range on his Death Totem to allow for more strategic and tactical uses of this powerful ability, without a lot of the risk. His Silence Tactical is still incredibly powerful, and being able to climb higher and crouch-walk faster is nothing to scoff at either. Overall, Revenant is still holding is reputation as a killing machine quite well.

Bangalore – Little has changed with Bangalore’s kit over the past six seasons outside of minor buffs and tweaks here and there. This Season, Bangalore’s ultimate received a buff in the form of a shorter cooldown, which is nice, but not why Bangalore has moved up the tier list. Much like Crypto, Bangalore moved up due to the introduction of Rampart. Bangalore can be a hard counter to Rampart and her fortified positions if players use her smokes effectively. If Rampart cannot see from her turret’s position, she’s essentially useless. There’s no way, outside of a hovering Crypto drone, for Legends to see through smokes from Rampart’s turret seat, so Bangalore just became a lot more valuable. Hopefully her story will be expanded in the Season 6 quest.

Caustic – Caustic has always filled a specific role in the meta, and that has not changed. Caustic is one of the best Legends at locking down an area and deterring enemies from entering. His gas deals straight health damage, bypassing shields, and it ramps up the longer people stay in it, so he’s great at dealing solid chip damage which can turn lethal if used correctly. Paired with Wattson and/or Rampart, Caustic can help ensure that anyone foolish enough to push through their defensive line never walks back out of it. Caustic’s main drawback is that he struggles in wide-open areas, but the recent changes to World’s Edge make that less common.

Octane – One of Apex Legends‘ weakest Legends is finally out of the bottom tiers thanks to a rework of his abilities. While Octane still does not bring much to team engagements and composition, his Jump Pad is now much more useful at navigating the map thanks to the addition of the Double Jump mechanic. Moreso, Octane can now use his stim to shrug off slowing effects like Caustic Gas and Wattson Stuns, allowing him to essentially throw himself at them to create an opening for his team. Octane could still use a little more work to make him the best he can be, but he’s definitely much stronger than he was before.

Wattson – Rounding out the Defensive characters is Wattson, the electrical expert. Her fences and Interceptor Pylon are quite handy at keeping enemies and destructive ordinance out of a specific area. While the Interceptor Pylon now has a duration, the fact that Wattson only needs one Ultimate Accelerant to charge her Ultimate offsets that significantly. She pairs incredibly well with Caustic and Rampart when it comes to locking down a specific location, and has proved valuable in many competitive matches. However, much like Caustic, she struggles when it comes to engagements out in the open. The Pylon and her fences can be destroyed easily, so she is far better in enclosed areas – though the Pylon’s ability to block bombardment Ultimate abilities can prove to be crucial in battle.

Wraith – Wraith has had some turbulence in her Tier List standing over the course of Apex Legends‘ history. She once stood supreme at the top of the lists, then began to slowly plummet due to constant nerfs from Respawn. Thankfully, this season did not have any changes for Wraith, so she remains relatively unchanged from last season. Her Phasewalk still takes a couple seconds to activate, but can still prove to be very useful for either infiltrating enemy defenses (like getting behind Rampart and her wall) or to get out of a bad fight. Her Portal is also still incredibly useful for navigating the map and moving teammates quickly. She’s still one of the best legends in the game, but not quite as high and mighty as she used to be.

Loba – Loba stands alone in the C-Tier due to a combination of disappointing aspects of her kit. Her Tactical Teleport is finicky at best, and is far too risky to use when there’s even the possibility of combat due to its punishing wind-up and stagger. Being able to see high-tier loot through walls is always nice, but it’s not strong enough to push her higher in the tier list. This season did give Loba a buff that allows her to use her Ultimate, The Black Market, more often. This does allow her team to get more loot quickly, but it also announces their presence to anyone in a huge radius which is unfortunate. Loba needs more work done to her kit before she climbs the tier list.

Pathfinder – Not only did Respawn butcher Pathfinder’s grapple with a perhaps too-long cooldown last season, but this season they removed his unique ability to scan survey beacons and gave that to all Recon characters. In exchange, Pathfinder gets 10 seconds taken off his ultimate’s cooldown every time he scans a beacon. That’s hardly worth mentioning, as the zipline already charges quickly, but players are still finding ways to make the most of the zipline. Pathfinder has been bascailly butchered, and hopefully, he’ll get a rework soon to make him more useful in the coming updates.

That wraps up the Season 6 Apex Legends tier list. While some Legends remained in the same spot as last season, others have surged up the list due to some recent buffs. Others, like poor Pathfinder, have fallen to the wayside due to meta shifts and nerfs. Respawn typically does balance changes at least once throughout the season when events roll around, so perhaps some changes will come later in the season, hopefully alongside the long-awaited clan feature.

Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a Switch version currently in development.

MORE: Apex Legends Developer Discusses Ways to Counter Rampart


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