The extra teaser page that launched for Call of Duty 2020 has received two updates since its appearance. The main website has been hosting VHS tapes of famous historical moments driving the Call of Duty community towards several in-game puzzles. As players continue to solve the riddles, the pawntakespawn website page titled “11th Hour” seems to be updated in response.
The 11th Hour webpage originally only displayed an ominous green note and another cipher. The cipher gave fans the tools they needed to connect the VHS tapes to the varying puzzles, while the green note provided additional advice and a hidden key. Players have been working for hours to try and decipher all the secrets on the page and connect it to the puzzle overall.
The two additions to the site are both pink notes. The first one appeared after several hours of work. The text reads “Timing is Everything” with an underline emphasizing timing. This is also a reference to a phrase said by Fischer during multiple interviews. The other strip that occupies the image is a timeline matching the 5-second intervals in the Call of Duty films.
One clever fan noticed that when all the film’s “numbers” appearances were tracked and lined up a new number would appear every five seconds. These numbers coordinate with each VHS which then is encoded by a unique cipher. The entire puzzle is massive and this new information only goes to make it more complex.

The two parts each came with their own unique solutions. Timing is everything directed players and streamers to look into Fischer himself. They started going through his history, learning about what he did, and his part in the Cold War.
When connected with the timeline, everything started to become clearer. Every five seconds coordinated to a number in a video, which could then connect to a letter from that video’s assigned cipher. These created a phrase that when read led to the full reveal trailer for Call of Duty 2020.
This entire puzzle-solving experience has been far above anything that Activision has done in the past. As a promotional tool, the entire experience borders on highly effective and disastrous. While some fans are buying into the game playing through each cipher others consider the entire experience a waste of time. The mixed feedback on this campaign shows the gamble that Activision is betting on with the results still up in the air.
Call of Duty 2020 is being developed by Treyarch and Raven Software.

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