Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is Crossing Over With FF7 Remake

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius has just launched its Final Fantasy 7 Remake collaboration, introducing new units to the mobile Final Fantasy game’s already expansive roster. Obviously, fan favorite Cloud Strife makes an appearance as the strongest and most desirable unit in the collaboration, and introduces a new mechanic, Neo Vision units. These units have new mechanics that can be a bit confusing at first, but they are very powerful.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius just surpassed 45 million downloads, and this is the reason for the collab. If players are lucky enough to get Cloud from the summon, he will be Neo Vision to start. This makes Cloud (FF7 Remake) the first Neo Vision unit in the game. Of course, players can obtain other Final Fantasy 7 Remake characters as well.

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Tifa is available as a summon as well, and players can complete an event specific mission to get all of the required items needed to upgrade er. If players fully upgrade her, she too will become a Neo Vision unit, capable of performing a Brave Shift to change her abilities in the middle of combat. Barret can also be obtained through summoning.

Finally, players that are able to complete the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Series Event can obtain a 5 star Reno character, and eventually the materials needed to fully upgrade him to his 7 star form. There are many more exciting new changes coming to Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, and fans should be sure to check out everything this event has to offer.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is available now on Mobile.

MORE: Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius Adding Singer Ariana Grande

Source: IGC


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