Mortal Shell: How to Heal | Game Rant

Mortal Shell, the Souls-like action-RPG from Cold Symmetry, launched this week to a warm critical reception. In the game, players are called on by the mysterious “Dark Father,” and told to journey across a tattered landscape. The Shells in Mortal Shell are the remains of defeated warriors that the main character can inhabit, and fill the role of classes. Each Shell has different strengths, and players can choose to focus on these to improve their connection to the remains.

Like most Souls-like games, Mortal Shell is very keen to take away your HP. Monsters hit hard, and often require incredible timing to avoid taking damage. However, unlike games like Dark Souls, there’s no easy, refillable heal available to keep a character on their feet. Therefore, to help players survive the game’s many challenges, here’s how to heal in Mortal Shell.

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There are a few different methods of restoring HP in Mortal Shell, but none of them are as straightforward as an Estus Flask. Perhaps the most common are Weltcaps, mushrooms which only grow in certain areas of the map. Several of these can be found in the game’s swampy hub, and will regrow once they’ve been picked. This takes time, however, and players will need to return frequently to make sure they get the harvest they need.

Weltcaps heal 30 health over 30 seconds, making them difficult to use in pitched battles. To heal faster players will need to find rarer items, like the Roasted Rat. This delicacy heals 35 HP over 10 seconds, but also costs a point of resolve to eat. There are also a few other food-based healing items in the game, though most are quite rare.

Another way to heal in Mortal Shell is by performing an Empowered Riposte. This is a special move performed after a successful parry. Parrying with the Tainted Seal to block an enemy’s attack requires good timing, but with a point of Resolve to spend it can set up a big combo. Pressing R1/RB on a parried enemy with a red dot on them will deal huge damage and also restore quite a lot of HP.

Finally, one of the most unusual ways to heal in the game comes from the Tiel Shell. One of the powers that this Shell grants is the ability to restore health from poison. This not only protects the user from poisonous enemies, it also means that they can poison themselves in order to heal over time.

Mortal Shell is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Mortal Shell is Getting a Physical Release


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