Sony Insists PS5 Not in Danger of Being Delayed | Game Rant

With the effects of the coronavirus pandemic beginning to weigh on several of this year’s biggest games, the thought on everyone’s mind has been whether the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 will be pushed back into 2021. After all, with the delay of Halo Infinite, Vampire: The Masquerade 2, and Deathloop, it’s clear some of the industry’s biggest names are beginning to realize that more time is essential to bringing some of the biggest games to shelves in the near future.

That being said, it seems Sony is firmly sticking to its guns on the PlayStation 5‘s 2020 release date, with the company recently revealing to that there’s been no change of plans for the console’s debut. Better yet, it seems Sony is also promising players that it will be a launch worthy of the console manufacturer’s storied history, with one of its best game line-ups to date.

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“We will launch this year — that will happen — and from my end we will absolutely make sure that we will bring all of the magic and all of the excitement of launches that we have had in the past,” SVP and head of global marketing at Sony Eric Lempel adamantly assure the online publication. Of course, he does admit that bringing the console to audiences under the unprecedented pressure of the pandemic has been difficult. “It’s a massive challenge on every front,” Lempel claims, highlighting how “If the world was in a normal place, we would be out there with demo stations at different events, with the ability for consumers to touch the product and interact with it, and really understand what we are talking about.”

However, it seems the Sony spokesman is confident that players will be getting the best slate of experiences the company has ever amassed at launch, revealing “I would say that this is the best line-up that we’ve ever seen in the history of PlayStation, between our Worldwide Studios groups and our partners from all the different publishers around the world.” Naturally, some might be wondering which games Lempel is referring to, especially now Deathloopone of PlayStation’s biggest console exclusives at launch, has recently been pushed back into 2021.

According to Lempel, “We’ve revealed some of that content, and naturally there will be more to come, but the way that the developers can engage with this platform, and create these new experiences with known IP as well as unknown IP, is incredibly exciting.” If his words mean anything, it seems future PlayStation 5 players could have more than just Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Bugsnax, and Godfall to look forward to this year.

MORE: Sony’s Other Big PS5 Launch Title Accidentally Outed?



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