D&D Moral Alignments Of 10 Adventure Game Characters | Game Rant

The popular tabletop game, Dungeons & Dragons (also known as D&D), introduced the concept of moral alignments as a simple way to explain a character’s personality. Though there are many versions of the alignment chart, the most common one places the character in the category of good or evil, then lawful, neutral, or chaotic is added on as a subdivision to further expand on what makes each character tick.

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Useful for more than just D&D, this is a fun way to analyze any character from movies, television, and video games too. Take a look at a list of adventure video game characters sorted into their D&D moral alignments.

10 Spyro (Spyro The Dragon): Chaotic Good

The first game of the Spyro the Dragon series premiered in 1998 on the original PlayStation. Evil villain, Gnasty Gnorc, uses magic to trap all of the dragons in crystal statues, and little Spyro is their only hope! Feisty yet heroic, Spyro doesn’t always play by the rules or make safe decisions, but he tries to do the right thing. Young and mischievous, he still has a lot to learn, but he fights on the side of good.

9 Joel (The Last Of Us): True Neutral

Joel used to live the quiet life of a hard-working, single dad, until his daughter died in his arms. Now, a smuggler and a drug dealer, Joel lives for himself and his few loved ones left. He has no commitment to the law.

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He doesn’t hurt without cause, but he doesn’t save anyone either if it puts himself or someone he cares about in danger. Like many True Neutrals, Joel is a survivor, and doesn’t see anything wrong with that.

8 Caesar (Fallout New Vegas): Lawful Evil

Lawful Evils are intelligent, cruel, and have a lust for power. Less about literal legality, their focus is on loyalty and order, usually in the form of a strict hierarchy. Born Edward Sallow, Caesar is a dictator and the leader of a group of cult-like slavers called Caesar’s Legion in Fallout: New Vegas. Inspired by Ancient Rome in more than just his name, Caesar believes that service to the state is of the utmost importance – even if its forced servitude.

7 Crash (Crash Bandicoot Series): Chaotic Good

Crash is wild and full of quirks. During his initial development, Naughty Dog described their vision for the character as “goofy yet heroic.” That description remains true two decades later. Crash is fearless in his adventurous treks to thwarting evil. Very much like old cartoons where violence is exaggerated but nobody actually gets hurt, Crash Bandicoot bounces, leaps, and tornado spins through whatever trouble that comes his way.

6 Kratos (God Of War): Chaotic Neutral

Kratos is unique in that he goes through many moral changes throughout the God of War franchise. It is difficult to pinpoint his exact alignment. A demigod of Zeus and trained as a Spartan warrior, Kratos is reckless, aggressive, and quick to fight, but also has a deep love for his wife and children. Though he has thoughtlessly killed in the past, he comes to learn that vengeance does little to improve his life.

5 Sephiroth (Final Fantasy): Neutral Evil

Neutral Evil characters do whatever they have to in order to achieve their goals of ultimate power. They lack devotion to either order or chaos, but use both to their advantage.

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Brutal yet calm and well-spoken, Sephiroth is an intelligent and complicated antagonist who can be both reckless and methodical depending on the situation. An experiment created by Shinra, learning of his origins leads Sephiroth to madness and his ruthless quest for vengeance.

4 Jill Valentine (Resident Evil): Lawful Good

Resident Evil is the first of the famous, survival horror franchise. Longtime protagonist of the series, Jill Valentine was part of a special unit connected to the Raccoon City Police Department called S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Service). She is committed to fighting evil and has a strong sense of justice. Jill helps those in need, even if it puts herself into danger – and there is a lot of danger when it comes to the Umbrella Corporation.

3 Nathan Drake (Uncharted): Neutral Good

Neutral Good types do not have a particular fondness for rules and order, but actively seek to do good anyway. A treasure hunter and a thief, Nathan Drake from Uncharted is an adventure-seeking adrenaline junkie with a dry sense of humor.

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Fiercely loyal to his friends, Nathan will gladly risk his life to protect them. He won’t sacrifice himself for someone who would rather see him dead, but his overall intentions are for good.

2 Trevor Philips (Grand Theft Auto V): Chaotic Evil

A playable character in Grand Theft Auto VTrevor is a drug dealer, weapons smuggler, and a total psychopath. Trevor has no guilt to spare for the people he hurts. Far from a methodical thinker, the drug dealer and weapons smuggler goes for quick, violent solutions to problems – including stomping a man to death in front of witnesses. The more sadistic and unpredictable the act, the better idea it is to Trevor.

1 Lara Croft (Tomb Raider): True Neutral

Survivors through and through, True Neutrals work with almost anyone as long as they get paid. A bit of a wild card, they have the capacity to do bad things, but also truly compassionate and selfless things – it all depends on the situation and the risk. Lara is smart, fearless, and can’t go long without looking for an adventure. Goal-focused rather than law-focused, she doesn’t seek to harm innocents, but will protect herself if she has to.

NEXT: Which PS5 Game Should You Get First, Based On Your D&D Alignment?


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