Rocksteady Taking Steps for More Inclusive Studio Culture

Rocksteady Studios, the developer behind the upcoming Suicide Squad game, has more that’s come to light lately than just its games. Recently, the studio has been under fire since a letter written in 2018 was recently released detailing sexual harassment that the female workers at the company experienced.

Since the original letter was released to the public, another Rocksteady Studios letter was tweeted from the company’s official Twitter account, allegedly from some of the same women who wrote the first letter. In the follow-up letter, these women said that the studio listened to their complaints and quickly started to work on the root of the company’s problematic culture. However, it is impossible at this point in time to confirm who actually wrote this letter, bringing up many more questions than the letter and Rocksteady Studios intended to answer.

RELATED: Rocksteady Accused of Failing to Properly Address Harassment Allegations

On August 21, Rocksteady Studios took to Twitter to issue an official company statement regarding these allegations. According to the game developer’s message, the company has addressed all formal complaints that have been brought before it. In dealing with these serious issues, Rocksteady Studios disciplined or even terminated members of its staff to root out these issues in the company.

The letter went on to say that Rocksteady Studios has been changing elements of its workplace environment to ensure that all its employees are comfortable in the space. Some examples the letter gave were creating avenues for feedback for women in the workplace as well as hiring third-party interviewers that employees can confidentially talk to.

While a majority of users saw this letter as a step in the right direction, many were still put off that the company issued the statement from the female employees before this, as some saw that as potentially “pitting their female employees against each other.” Others were upset that Rocksteady Studios turned off the comments to the tweet, which made it seem less genuine. However, users still had their say by commenting when retweeting the letter, and many Rocksteady Studios employees had positive things to say about their workplace.

While it’s unfortunate that this situation happened in the first place, it looks as if Rocksteady Studios is taking a step in the right direction. However, the company should have taken ownership of the situation instead of relying on the original survivors of the sexual harassment to get upset fans off its back. That ownership of actions, both good and bad, would help the game developer in the future.

MORE: Rocksteady is Finally Putting Superman in a Game, Just Not the Way Fans Wanted


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