Zack Snyder Thanks the Fans Who Campaigned for the Snyder Cut

At this point in time, there may be more hype for the reworked ‘Snyder Cut’ of Justice League than there even was for the original film, and DC FanDome has seen fit to keep that hype alive. During a short panel featuring Snyder and several cast members, the director took the opportunity to answer questions and extend his gratitude towards the fans that campaigned for the Snyder Cut’s release.

The Snyder Cut may just be one of the most hotly anticipated pieces of media among hardcore DC cinematic universe fans, so it was unsurprising to see a panel just for Zack Snyder’s new cut at DC’s FanDome. Snyder himself has been giddy about the project, constantly dropping hints and teases for the reworking of Justice League that revealed everything from redesigns of main villain Steppenwolf, to a brand new black suit for Superman. Snyder taking the opportunity to thank the audience members who made it possible is a meaningful show of gratitude from a creator who has been given an immense amount of support and backing from the DC community.

RELATED: Zack Snyder Says His Justice League Exists in Its Own Continuity

The story of how and why the ‘Snyder Cut’ came to be and what it means for the DC brand has become so infamous is a bit complicated and also fairly well known to fans at this point. For those out of the loop, however, when Justice League released and became a critical and commercial flop, a small subset of DC fans were convinced that it was due to a combination of studio meddling and the departure of original director Zack Snyder, who was replaced with Joss Whedon. After a sustained campaign to see Snyder’s original vision, spurred on by Snyder’s own support for the movement, DC finally relented and offered the director a chance to re-cut the film however he wanted with a new budget for finishing unused CGI and effects.

Since the announcement that Zack Snyder’s Justice League would be released to HBO Max as an exclusive new cut, fans have been clamoring for more information, which Snyder has been happy to provide, piece by piece. This news in particular seems to indicate that this cut will indeed hold everything Snyder originally intended, including extended scenes for multiple characters, redesigns of the main villains, and Darkseid as the big villain. So much new content will be included that the Snyder Cut of Justice League will be four hours long, broadcast in one-hour installments. The director promises there will be a way to watch it as one complete work, however.

The Zack Snyder Cut of Justice League is planned to be exclusive to HBO Max sometime in mid-2021.

MORE: Zack Snyder Releases First Image of Justice League Darkseid


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