Fall Guys Needs To Adopt One Blackout Feature | Game Rant

Fall Guys has taken the world by storm in a rather unexpected way. In a market dominated by high profile video games with even higher stakes, it seems that players didn’t even know that they wanted something more casual and relaxed to fall back on. This has provided that experience in a fun and simple way, making it one of the best party games to come out in a long time. Despite how fun it is, fans can’t help but notice an oddity about this so called party game, it lacks any kind of local multiplayer gameplay, making it particularly difficult to play with friends at a party.

Fall Guys is technically a battle royale game, but is built in almost every way like a party game. It has simple controls and a low skill ceiling, meaning even inexperienced gamers are likely to not only enjoy playing it but do well at it too. The 60 player lobbies also support the notion that this game is meant to be played in large groups, and finally its goofy nature and all the crazy antics players will get up to make this the package deal. Unfortunately, though, it’s lack of any form of local multiplayer puts Fall Guys in an odd spot. This is where Mediatonic should look to another battle royale, Blackout, and borrow one particular feature.

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The most obvious way to address this problem would be to take a page out of Blackout‘s book and add split screen to Fall Guys, but there are some issues with this method. Most likely, it wouldn’t be too technically taxing to include this functionality, but it would be limited. Most split screen games avoiding allowing more than two players at a time, as cutting up a screen into three or more parts can make it very difficult to see depending on the size of one’s screen. Even so, it has been done before, so allowing four players on one screen would make sense.

Fall Guys already allows players to form a party with their friends online and enter shows together with them, so this clearly isn’t an issue of providing an unfair advantage to paired up players. In fact, it seems as though Mediatonic isn’t too concerned with balancing the game anyway, as it is meant to be a fun and zany experience above all else, not a hardcore skill-based competition. Split screen would certainly help with small groups of people enjoying Fall Guys together, but what about larger groups?

Answering this question requires grappling with Fall Guys‘ identity as both a party game and a battle royale. Traditional battle royale games don’t have local multiplayer modes as they are meant to be played online, and the same holds true here. Despite this, Fall Guys feels like a game players would want to break out when they have visitors to share in the fun, and taking turns isn’t the greatest solution.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much way around this, but split screen does help with entertaining larger groups as well. Currently, if players wanted to experience Fall Guys together, each person needs their own PC or PS4, but with four player split screen, that rate would be quadrupled. This would mean large groups of people could pair up and compete with each other much easier, which would lend towards the game being considered a party game more. On the flip side, if Fall Guys wants to double down on its battle royale aspects, it should consider expanding the current content in the game by adding more levels and customization options.

Fall Guys is available now on PC and PS4.

MORE: Fall Guys Datamine Hints at Nintendo Switch Version


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