Valorant has been getting a lot of new content with the game’s latest updates, including Agent Killjoy. While there’s a lot to look forward to, there is also a bug that has been introduced to the game that allows players to walk through walls under certain conditions.
On August 20, Riot Games updated the game with Patch 1.06. The new changes balanced shotguns, included ability changes, and fixed a few bugs that had previously popped up in Valorant matches. While some bugs were patched in the update, it seems that at least one bug was created, and now players can run through walls on Ascent.
One Valorant fan who discovered the glitch posted it on Reddit to share with other players. In their report, the player linked to a clip of Agent Jett shooting at the enemy team from inside a building near the attacker’s side of B bombsite. The player attempted to move back into cover and hide behind the crates in B main, but instead, they phased right through the wall into the sites of the enemy Jett, who quickly took them out.
Though the player was unable to recreate the glitch again on their own, they suggested that the bug may have had to do with their interaction with both the wall and Sage’s Barrier Orb, which had gone off over Jett’s head before the character phased through the wall.
While Riot Games hasn’t responded to this glitch as of the time this is being written, it is a difficult glitch to reproduce. However, that doesn’t mean that some unsuspecting player won’t replicate it in the future. Though the recent patch may have solved some of the issues that players have encountered while playing the game, it appears that some have slipped through the cracks, including another glitch with Agent Phoenix’s Curveball. Since the FPS game has only been out for a few months, there hasn’t been much time for players to root around in Valorant and find all the issues that need to be fixed.
Though the newest update brought a few bugs with it, the patch also provided players with some new changes that they had been hoping for. Going forward, there are still some glitches in the game that Riot Games will want to fix, and maybe with these fixes, the developer will also add features that players are looking for like toggling Valorant weapon cosmetics into the game.
Valorant is available now for PC.

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