Summer Games Done Quick 2020 Raised $2.3 Million for Charity

Summer Games Done Quick 2020, the Summer edition of the biannual video game speedrunning showcase, finished up last night with over $2 million raised for Doctors Without Borders. This impressive total comes from seven days of video games in the first online event held by the Games Done Quick team.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough for many major gatherings this year. We’ve seen some of the biggest video gaming events, such as E3, forced to cancel completely, but some have found a way to hold their events online. One of these events to successfully adapt to the major pandemic is Summer Games Done Quick 2020, one of two events that are part of the Games Done Quick speedrunning showcase.

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Started back in 2010, Games Done Quick has been holding two events every year up to 2020. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the folks behind Summer Games Done Quick 2020 to postpone the event, before eventually deciding to hold SGDQ 2020 online. Despite having to make major changes to accommodate holding the event online, Summer Games Done Quick 2020 managed to draw in a huge crowd and earn $2,311,339.84 in donations from 33,637 different donors.

While this isn’t as much as the $3 million raised by last year’s SGDQ, it’s still an impressive amount of money raised for the international humanitarian non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders. Not to mention that Games Done Quick held an extra event this year focused on raising money to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic. That event, which was called Corona Relief Done Quick, managed to raise an additional $400,000 for Direct Relief, a non-profit organization with a mission to “improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergency situations by mobilizing and providing essential medical resources needed for their care.”

As for the highlights, there were plenty of impressive feats of video game prowess at Summer Games Done Quick 2020. A runner by the name of Punchy managed to blaze through the puzzle game Baba Is You and attain the true ending at an amazing speed. Raikaru and WoodenBarrel teamed up to do a co-op speedrun of a randomized version of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which may soon be getting a Switch release. All of these runs and more can be found on the Games Done Quick YouTube channel.

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