The Last Of Us: 5 Most Effective Weapons (& 5 Least) | Game Rant

Naughty Dog’s The Last Of Us exploded in popularity at its 2013 release, and the hype hasn’t died down yet! Its sequel arrived Summer of 2020, and despite its mixed reviews, it broke records in sales. Set in a dystopian wasteland that was once the United States, The Last Of Us not only has an outstanding story and incredible graphics, but its focus on stealth and strategy makes for intriguing gameplay.

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This game has numerous options for weapons, items, and upgrades, but players must carefully decide which to use. Choosing the correct weapon does not always mean picking the most powerful one. The most high-powered piece of artillery could be far from the most accurate or easy to master.

10 Best:  9MM Pistol

The 9MM Pistol is “old faithful” when it comes to The Last Of Us. Compared to other weapons, it has plenty of ammo and it isn’t difficult to aim, even for beginners. This pistol takes out Runners easily with a headshot. Armored enemies may take two or three tries. The 9MM is upgradable at any workbench. There, players can use spare parts collected throughout the game to upgrade reload speed, clip capacity, and fire rate.

9 Worst: Bottle

The bottle is not exactly a traditional weapon. A throwable item, and an alternative melee weapon, the bottle is usable as a conventional weapon but is ineffective. Useful for distractions or breaking windows, the bottle is a necessity but players should use it sparingly in actual combat.

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Even used as a distraction, it can be unwise with quicker enemies, like Runners. Sometimes, it’s better just to use stealth.

8 Best: Molotov Cocktail

Perfect for attacking Clickers and Bloaters from a distance, the Molotov cocktail is a godsend when it comes to tough enemies, especially in groups. Once thrown, any Clickers in the area run towards the sound and directly into the flames. If the fire fails to kill the Infected, quickly finish them off with a headshot. Use Molotovs at a safe distance away from enemies, or the fire will burn the player.

7 Worst: Revolver

This little revolver may have a bit more kick to it than the 9MM, but it is not nearly powerful enough to make up for its inaccuracy, especially when shooting while on the move. The fact is that it needs to be upgraded before it’s a quality weapon.

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The revolver has limited ammo and can only be upgraded for reload speed and fire rate, not accuracy or clip capacity. Aiming comes down to practice and skill.

6 Best: Hatchet

There are many melee weapons available in the first game, but the hatchet is one of the best. Hatchets are easy to find and easily upgraded with items picked up along the journey, such as scissors and tape. Nearly equal in damage to the machete, the hatchet wins this contest purely due to its durability levels. Both weapons are capable of one-hit kills, but the hatchet just plain lasts longer.

5 Worst: Wooden Plank

The 2×4 plank is great for getting in a good smack or two, but it does limited damage and it breaks easily. Fortunately, like most melee weapons, it is possible to upgrade it with sharp objects which increase its power, but it does not do enough for its lack of durability. Good in a pinch, this slab of wood is better than nothing when out of ammo and fending off Infected with nothing but Joel’s fists.

4 Best: Hunting Rifle

First found at the Capitol Building, the hunting rifle is a lifesaver (literally) and has a heck of a kick to it. Powerful and accurate, the hunting rifle is excellent for taking out Clickers with a single shot, but it has a very small clip. Aim carefully.

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This rifle may be upgraded at the workbench. Its upgrade options include increasing clip capacity, decreasing reload time, adding a scope, and improving power.

3 Worst: Shiv

The shiv is a tool of many functions. It opens doors and stealth kills Infected (particularly useful with Clickers), but in the first game, shivs fall apart after a single use. Created with collected items, they are readily available, which makes up for them being one-use weapons. Shivs cannot be upgraded. Weak when used in a fight, it is best to use them for stealth kills. When it comes to reliable and durable weapons, the shiv is not it.

2 Best: Bow

Found first in Bill’s booby-trapped little town, Ellie’s bow is not incredibly accurate, but it’s silent and effective for one-shot-kills. Just crouch behind something and take out enemies without once being seen. Another great thing about the bow is that unlike bullets, players can retrieve arrows if they have time to get them from missed shots or fallen enemies. This is especially helpful since arrows are much more scarce than bullets.

1 Worst: Fists

Joel’s fists work against Runners, but it takes time and leaves players open to attack from other Infected. If there are many Infected around and a player finds themselves with no other weapons, if at all possible, it is best to run away and find one. Fists work just fine against weaker enemies in a true pinch, but only as a last resort.

NEXT: The Last Of Us: Every Type Of Infected Ranked By Difficulty (& How To Beat Them)


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