Real Pilot Messes Up Microsoft Flight Simulator Landing

Releasing earlier this month to rave reviews, Microsoft Flight Simulator has quickly become one of the most widely acclaimed releases of the year, with players celebrating its realistic attention to detail and advanced technology. Amassing data from Bing Maps to offer a near-flawless recreation of some of the world’s biggest airports and most treasured landmarks, Microsoft has well and truly created its most immersive flight-sim to date.

Yet, this claim was recently put to the test by a YouTuber called Aviator Dan, with the content creator asking a 787 pilot to come in and test the simulator to give his verdict on how realistic Microsoft‘s newest offering truly is. The pilot, called Nick, has an extensive background in aviation, getting a private pilot license at 17 and going on to fly Dreamliners.

RELATED: Microsoft Flight Simulator Players Spent 16 Hours Flying From LA to Dubai

If anyone can vouch for the authenticity of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator then it’s Nick, and for the most part, he definitely thinks the game does a fantastic job of representing what it’s really like to pilot a plane. According to the expert, he thinks the graphics are fantastic and praises many aspects of flying the game’s wide selection of smaller aircrafts. However, Dan does have some criticisms about the game, coming about after a particularly funny end to the real-life Dreamliner pilot’s attempt to fly a Boeing 787 in-game.

For the most part, Nick’s time in the virtual vehicle is pretty smooth. While he does note before take-off that “some of the ways of setting the aircraft up aren’t readily available,” he gets off the ground easily and shows off some lovely vistas as he soars around the area surrounding the airport. However, when coming back in, Nick’s flight takes a turn for the worst, with the pilot overcooking the landing and deciding he’s going to have to go around and try again. His second attempt doesn’t go much better, with the pilot hilariously telling viewers it’s “not pretty,” as he touches down at the airport with a very sloppy landing.

As he tells Aviator Dan following his final descent, the pilot thinks there are some issues that still need to be sorted out with the bigger vehicles in the game, claiming “I think for more complex aircraft more investigation is needed to set up a flight properly. The landing was a little bit tricky.” It’s without a doubt an incredibly interesting video, with the pilot’s attempt to touch down emerging as one of its funniest moments. Hopefully, Nick will feature more on the channel and bring some more interesting insights to Aviator Dan’s Microsoft Flight Simulator content.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is out now on PC, with an Xbox One version coming in the near future.

MORE: Microsoft Flight Simulator: How to Find Your Real-World House


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