Outriders Release Date is Still on Track | Game Rant

People Can Fly and Square Enix’s upcoming Outriders has a lot going for it. From 4 distinct and interesting classes (the Trickster, Pyromancer, Devastator, and Technomancer) to an interesting Sci-Fi story, it appears that Outriders is aiming for a top spot in the future of Sci-Fi RPG shooters. Game Rant recently got to sit down with People Can Fly and Square Enix in order to discuss the game’s most recent reveals and content.

Specifically, one big question we had was about the information pipeline. The monthly series of Outriders broadcasts have given players plenty of information, with the most recent honing in on the Devastator class while also giving fans their first taste of the Technomancer. Square Enix did confirm that more broadcasts were on the way, leading up to the release of the game, and that while the fourth class will be highlighted next, most of them will follow the same pattern, including the ending Q&A session with community manager Robbie Palmer.

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When this came up, we asked one of our biggest questions. Given COVID-19’s effects on the industry and high-profile delays such as Halo Infinite and Vampire: The Masquerade 2, we wanted to know if the game was still on track for release. In response, People Can Fly said,

Yes, we are still aiming for Holiday 2020. Nothing’s changed. Of course, the coronavirus tries hard to hit us, but luckily, everything is going well and smooth, so we haven’t changed our plans. It’s still on track, and we hope we deliver all we promise on the date we said earlier.

People Can Fly and Square Enix didn’t give us an exact release date, and that’s understandable. It seems Outriders will be one of the first new games many can play on PS5 and Xbox Series X, and that means some secrets are likely being hold close to the chest. Hopefully, Microsoft and Sony will end their game of price and release date chicken soon, so that the full line up of games releasing this fall and holiday season can come to fruition.

For now, fans will be able to enjoy more broadcasts likely leading up to the game’s official release. While broadcast 3 focused on the co-op elements of Outriders, as well as revealing the Technomancer and putting an emphasis on the Devastator, broadcast 4 will be diving more into the Technomancer and showing off yet another secret: Outriders‘ endgame content.

Outriders is in development for PC, PS4, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, with a Stadia version coming in 2021.

MORE: Outriders Interview: Devs Talk Pyromancer, Crew, and The Mysteries of Enoch


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