Spider-Man has been featured in video games ever since the early eighties and each iteration of the web-slinging hero offered players with a new perspective on the character. When Insomniac Games released 2018’s Spider-Man, the game quickly garnered the praise of players, and one of its highlights was the introduction of Miles Morales. Last June, Insomniac announced Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which is a stand-alone title set to release to the PS5 later this year.
Of course, even though Miles Morales and Peter Parker share the Spider-Man name, the two are very different people both as themselves and as their superhero counterparts. Insomniac Games wanted to highlight those differences, which is why it decided to develop Spider-Man Miles Morales. Of course, given the success of 2018’s Marvel’s Spider-Man, the upcoming game has a lot to live up to, and here are some of the things we want to see in Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

One of the best features of Marvel’s Spider-Man is the inclusion of a long list of suits that players can use throughout the game. Players had to grind their way through the game in order to get them, making it a rewarding experience whenever the player unlocks a new outfit. Of course, the alternate suits in Marvel’s Spider-Man aren’t just aesthetic changes given that each suit had their own special ability. This feature would be a great addition to Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Insomniac could even adapt some popular suits from either the comics or the Into the Spider-Verse film.

Although Marvel’s Spider-Man had an amazing story the offered players a new perspective on Peter Parker, its side quests were not really that engaging apart from a few. Many players even complained that Insomniac saved the best side missions for the paid DLC, but it would be great if Spider-Man: Miles Morales would have interesting side missions from the get-go at no additional cost.

Another feature that Marvel’s Spider-Man was able to capture so well is the inclusion of a wide variety of gadgets that players would need to earn by grinding through the game. This provided players with a good incentive to explore every nook and cranny the game has to offer and it would be nice if Spider-Man: Miles Morales will also include every gadget that was introduced in Marvel’s Spider-Man with the addition of more for players to unlock. Of course, allowing players to unlock and upgrade their gear throughout the upcoming game would definitely increase its replay value by offering a new way to approach combat with a wide variety of gadgets to play with.

In Marvel’s Avengers, Insomniac was able to capture the heart and essence of Manhattan, offering players an expansive and realistic recreation of the area. Of course, Miles Morales is famously from Brooklyn and it would be nice to see Insomniac recreate Brooklyn similar to what they did with Manhattan in Marvel’s Spider-Man. Hopefully, the studio would include the same Manhattan from the 2018 game and throw in a bridge to give players access to Brooklyn as well.

In Marvel’s Spider-Man Insomniac took its time introducing Peter Parker’s famous foes such as Norman Osborne and Sinister Six. Now, it would be interesting if Insomniac would include villains that are more closely associated with Miles Morales to further separate him from Peter Parker. At the moment, there are still no villains confirmed for the upcoming game but players would likely see such as The Prowler. Of course, other villains such as Venom, The Bombshells, and Mysterio would all be great additions and would hopefully make Miles Morales shine in the upcoming game.
Spider-Man: Miles Morales releases Holiday 2020 on PS5.

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