Final Fantasy 14: 10 Pro Tips All Healers Should Follow During Raids

Fans of Square Enix‘s hit Final Fantasy games can finally share this world with their friends in Final Fantasy 14. Thanks to this MMO, players can become a part of the acclaimed franchise’s story with a completely new narrative and lovable cast of characters. Moreover, player characters can participate in various in-game events as well as endgame raids. In fact, like other MMOs, FF 14 puts a huge emphasis on its many dungeons. After all, unlike other click-based MMOs, Classes and Jobs in FF 14 all have different approaches to combat.

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Moreover, perhaps more interesting is its relegation of Roles for Jobs. As such, steadfast Healers can rest knowing FF 14 prepared classes such as the Scholar and the White Mage to become precisely in-tune with the role. However, for beginners, just how can they maximize their Healer’s offerings in raids?

10 Never Stay Idle

Just because Healers focus on keeping the party alive doesn’t mean they can stay idle if they notice the party handling things on their own. Chances are, there’s always someone in need of a buff or healing. And on the off-chance that everyone is in great shape, Healers should take the chance to dish out their own DPS skills.

Granted, Healers don’t get to cause as much damage unlike their Tank and especially unlike their Melee DPS and Ranged DPS colleagues. However, Healers do have the capacity to deal around half as much damage as a regular DPS character, which remains more than enough to take care of pesky mobs.

9 Understand The Meta

Like other Job Roles, Healers usually have abilities with similar descriptions and mechanics, regardless if it’s for the White Mage, Scholar, or the Astrologian. Healers should familiarize themselves with these common abilities, as most parties expect them to be aware of these common aces up their sleeves.

For instance, Healers always have access to basic attack spells, an AOE spell, and a damage-over-time (DOT) spell. Ideally, Healers should spam their basic attack spells whenever possible. Moreover, they should use their AOE to fend off enemies, especially if they’re more than three in a row. Healers aren’t as powerful as Black Mages, but they still dish out painful damage.

Lastly, Healers should make sure they re-trigger their DOT spell as soon as its first instance ends. That way, their enemies always get DOT, which is always a nice assist to the DPS classes.

8 Take Note Of Cooldowns

Of all Job Roles, Healers pay attention to their cooldowns the most. After all, missing the right cooldown can annihilate the entire party in one fell sweep. And while Healers adjust their rotations depending on the party setup, pro Healers should always pay attention to the synergy between oGCDs and GCDs they put in their macros and combos.

Ideally, Healers should use oGCD abilities instead of GCD abilities as much as possible. After all, using GCD abilities triggers a cooldown across all the Healers’ spells, while oGCD abilities don’t affect the rest of the Healer’s prepared spells. As such, Healers should use GCDs only if they can spare themselves a few seconds to reposition while waiting. Otherwise, oGCD can become lifesavers.

For instance, Healers can spam oGCD offensive abilities like Afflatus Misery and Assize (WHM), Chain Strategem (SCH), and Earthly Star (AST) to maximize their damage output and still make room for emergency healing. In these situations, Healing oGCDs like Tetragrammaton become extremely useful.

7 Tanks Can Become Invulnerable

Healers should also pay attention to how their Tanks function in battle, especially when they use the unique skills that let them become invulnerable. However, despite the inherent benefits, Healers should use this opportunity to heal the Tank so they’ll remain in tip-top shape. Moreover, this invulnerable status can spell life or death to Tanks if Healers don’t assist them.

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For instance, Holmgang (WAR) and Living Dead (DRK) last for 10 seconds. However, Healers should heal their respective Tanks at this time, as the Dark Knight‘s Walking Dead status can kill them or the Warrior will become vulnerable after the timeframe.

Likewise, Hallowed Ground (PLD) and Superbolide (GNB) last for 10 seconds. However, Healers should ensure the Paladin becomes reasonably healed at this time. Moreover, the Gunbreaker ends this status with 1 HP, so Healers should make sure they’re up to high HP before this ends.

6 Avoid Getting Aggro

Ideally, Tanks should mitigate damage due to their aggro-absorption abilities. Unfortunately, Healers and DPS Jobs actually have certain skills that generate Enmity and pull aggro, even by accident. In the case of the Healer, some healing spells actually cause mobs and bosses to turn their attention on Healers. If Healers accidentally cast these spells, their first move should be going to the Tank, so the latter can mitigate the aggro.

Aside from that, Healers should be mindful of spells that pull aggro towards them. Astrologians do this with Wheel of Fortune, Aspected Helios, and Aspected Benefic. Meanwhile, Scholars pull aggro with Whispering Dawn and Fey Union. Lastly, White Mages do this with Medica II and Regen.

5 Heal When It Counts

Healers sometimes love showing off just how much they can heal as soon as other party members take damage. Unfortunately, this tactic becomes wasteful of both MP and healing. Unless enemies use special mechanics or tankbusters, Healers should heal only when necessary.

Ideally, Healers should familiarize themselves with just how much their healing spells can heal before using them in battle. For instance, a heal that grants +20-percent Max HP on a character with 90-percent HP left becomes an extreme waste of MP. However, using such a spell as soon as a party member reaches 80-percent HP might be more helpful.

4 Mind The Range

Whereas Tanks need to position themselves to keep the enemy’s focus while DPS attack the flank and rear, Healers need to mind their range as well. After all, staying too far from the battle does keep them safe but makes their spells useless. As such, Healers should stay in the middle of the battlefield, keeping them as close to Tanks as possible but in an advantageous position like the DPS.

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With this strategy, Healers always have the opportunity to follow the DPS on safer spaces or follow the Tank to enable them to mitigate aggro. Either way, keeping all party members within range enables Healers to heal whenever it’s needed.

3 Use Swiftcast Intelligently

Thanks to Swiftcast, Healers can speed up the time it takes for them to cast spells. After all, Swiftcast instantly casts the next spell the players choose. However, Swiftcast does have a 60-second cooldown, meaning Healers should use this ability wisely.

For instance, players can risk using Swiftcast to ensure a party member on the brink of death will have decent HP. Likewise, Healers should consider using Swiftcast to Raise downed party members in order of priority: Tanks, other Healers, rez mages (Summoners and Red Mages), and then everyone else.

2 Some Spells Help In A Pinch

Healers should also pay close attention to their other abilities. For instance, Healers in parties facing bosses with Doom should prioritize having Esuna in a hotkey. That’s because successful Doom spells knock out its victims after the effect lasts. Thankfully, Esuna removes status ailments from targets. As such, Esuna is a perfect counter for opponents with frequent debuffs as well as Doom.

Moreover, Healers should equip their Level 3 Limit Breaks, which they can use when in an 8-man team. While their Level 1 and Level 2 supers only heal teammates, Level 3 resurrects downed allies to full health.

1 Always Remain Mobile

In most instances, a downed Healer causes a wipeout in raids. As such, it’s the Healer’s responsibility to ensure they stay out of enemy range while maintaining their healing for everyone. As such, Healers stuck in a position if they should heal themselves or another critical party member, it’s wise to heal themselves first. After all, they’re the ones who can resurrect the downed party member, anyway.

Moreover, Healers should make use of their mobility options if possible. This reasoning is also why Healers should avoid having to resurrect party members unless they have Swiftcast, as it’s too risky standing for eight seconds while rezzing someone.

NEXT: 5 Things That Make FF 14 The Best Modern MMO (& 5 It’s Still World Of Warcraft)


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