September is almost here, and with it comes a new Research Breakthrough for Pokemon GO. This month, players can get access to a competitive and useful Pokemon that has seen a lot of time in raid battles. The Pokemon in question is none other than the Electric/Psychic Alolan Raichu, and it can be found in Pokemon GO Research Breakthroughs from September 1 at 1 pm PDT to October 1, 1 pm PDT.
Alolan Raichu is one of the shinies that many collectors can’t seem to obtain, so a month of Research Breakthroughs might be able to help players get what they want. As with all shiny forms, it ultimately comes down to luck and determination. The mouse Pokemon can combine Electric and Psychic attacks to create a versatile raiding and competitive fighter, so it is definitely one that players want to grab while they can.
Since Alolan Raichu is Electric/Psychic, it is weak to Dark, Ground, Bug, and Ghost. The trade-off is that it is strong against Fighting, Steel, Electric, Psychic, and Flying. This Pokemon can be great in a competition if used correctly. It can know Spark, Volt Switch, and Thunder Shock. As for charged moves, it has access to Thunder Punch, Psychic, Wild Charge, and Grass Knot. Volt Switch and Wild Charge are typically the best options, but Psychic is useful to throw in as well.
While Alolan Raichu is a powerful form of regular Raichu, it won’t benefit from any Pokemon GO Mega Evolution mechanics. Although Alolan forms are mega in the sense that they are powerful alternative ways to use the Pokemon, they are not nearly as strong as most Mega Evolution forms can become.
The August Research Breakthrough was Scraggy, and players had very mixed feelings about it. Some appreciated the chance to hunt down the Pokemon without needing to compete in the battle league. On the other hand, it didn’t fit the more mythical theme of Research Encounters and many players complained about wanting legendaries again. Hopefully, Alolan Raichu is rare and powerful enough to keep the majority satisfied.
While a new Research Breakthrough is always exciting, some players are wondering if this feature will change if the rumors about a Pokemon GO subscription service are correct. If the service provides more research and rare Pokemon, then it could definitely breathe new life into the game. Otherwise, it could be the thing to turns fans away for good. Until anything concrete is revealed, trainers should prepare their battle teams to fit the Electric/Psychic mouse.
Pokemon GO is available now on Android and iOS.

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