In every Pokémon game, trainers are tasked with the daunting challenge of completing the Pokédex. But what do players actually get for investing the hundreds of hours necessary for completing each Pokédex?
In each generation of Pokémon, players had new milestones. From the original 151 to a whopping 893, fans have always thought of the Pokédex as the ultimate goal post for any Pokémon game. Aside from the pride players can feel after seeing that 400 out of 400, small in-game rewards await for fans who know where to look and who to talk to.
10 Red, Blue, And Yellow Versions (Gen 1)

Back in 1996, completing the Pokédex was much more simple, yet simultaneously much more difficult. Many Pokémon from the first generation could only be evolved by trading and without an online or even wireless trade system, trainers would need to possess a friend and a link cable to even have a shot at getting those elusive trade exclusives. As for the lucrative goodies for completing the one and only Pokédex, Professor Oak has nothing for trainers but a clap on the back. In Celadon City, however, Game Freak Studios rewards players for their hard work with a diploma celebrating their achievement.
9 Gold, Silver, And Crystal (Gen 2)

With the Pokédex upped to 251, trainers would have a difficult time filling out their pocket computer. Unfortunately for players, Professor Elm has no interest in the degree to which they completed their Pokédex, with little to no reaction at all. Travelling over to the Kanto region trainers can find Professor Oak who will be impressed, but ultimately the only reward is another diploma from the Game Freak Studio in Celadon City. In these games, however, the diploma is printable with the GameBoy add-on, the GameBoy Printer.
8 Ruby, Sapphire, And Emerald (Gen 3)

With a new distinction between the Hoenn Pokédex and the National Pokédex, players could look forward to two exciting rewards! Unfortunately, in Ruby and Sapphire the only reward was a star on their trainer cards and 2 diplomas from Game Freak Studios in Lilycove City.
In Emerald, Professor Birch decides to reward trainers for completing their Hoenn Dex by inching them closer to their National Dex. Players can choose between the three Johto starters; Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile. This was a substantially better reward than a star or a diploma.
7 Fire Red And Leaf Green (Gen 3)

Unfortunately for fans, Fire Red Version and Leaf Green Version return to the quality of Ruby and Sapphire Versions. Professor Oak declares his excitement and performs a little dance, but offers little in reward besides the notion that a player should be proud of this accomplishment. At Game Freak Studios, once again in Celadon City, trainers can earn two diplomas by completing the Kanto Dex of 151 and then subsequently the National Dex of 386.
6 Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, And Soul Silver (Gen 4)

In gen 4, Game Freak continued their diploma trend. In Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Versions the rewards for completing the Sinnoh Dex of 151 and the National Dex of 493 were two more special diplomas. In Heart Gold and Soul Silver Versions players had the exciting benefit of Pokémon following them around the overworld. Unfortunately, besides being able to see every Pokémon walking behind you, trainers only got 2 diplomas for obtaining the 256 in the new Johto Dex and the 493 Pokémon in the National Dex.
5 Black And White, 1 And 2 (Gen 5)

With 151 new Pokémon and an expanded National Dex of 649, players would think that Game Freak would recognize the need for more substantial completion rewards. Unfortunately in Black and White Versions all trainers have to look forward to, are 2 more diplomas. Finally, in Pokémon: Black 2 and White 2 Players get the rewards they finally crave. Seeing all of the Unovan Pokédex will allow players to access the Nature Preserve, and completing it will earn the Oval Charm, an item to increase the rate of eggs appearing in the day care center. Completing the National Dex in these games earns players the Shiny Charm, which substantially increases the chances of finding a shiny Pokémon.
4 X, Y, Omega Ruby, And Alpha Sapphire (Gen 6)

Generation 6 continued the trend of useful rewards. In X and Y Versions, players seeing the 457 Pokémon of the Kalos Dex would earn an Oval Charm, and catching all 721 Pokémon would reward players with the Shiny Charm. Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Versions follow suit, rewarding players with an Oval Charm for seeing all 211 Pokémon in the Hoenn Pokédex and a Shiny Charm for obtaining all 721 Pokémon in the National Dex. And don’t forget to pick up the four diplomas that trainers earn along the way.
3 Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, And Ultra Moon (Gen 7)

Registering all 300 Pokémon in the Alola Pokédex will earn players a special stamp for their passport and the Shiny Charm. Game Freak finally dropped the diplomas and in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Versions players also obtain the Karate Gi outfit that they can wear on their tropical vacation. Generation 7 is the first since Generation 2 that doesn’t feature a National Pokédex. This change is especially odd due to the availability of the island scan and ultra wormhole features, which allow players to catch Pokémon that aren’t in the Alolan Dex. Instead, they are listed as #???.
2 Let’s Go Pikachu And Eevee (Gen 7)

Game Freak’s triumphant return to the Kanto region brought fans back to the original 151 Pokémon (with a few special additions). This time, however, when trainers catch all the Pokémon and complete the Pokédex, they are rewarded with the Shiny Charm.
This tool added with the ability to chain wild Pokémon and see their sprites in the overworld makes the Let’s Go series two of the best games for catching shiny Pokémon. Of course, that’s only if trainers are searching for a shiny of the original 151.
1 Sword And Shield (Gen 8)

With plenty of controversy surrounding the release of Pokémon Sword and Shield and the “Dexit scandal,” many fans were upset with the continuation of no National Dex, but further, the inability to put Pokémon absent from the Galar Dex into the game. Instead, Game Freak added a multitude of quality of life updates, which fans have been clamoring for. Ultimately, obtaining the 400 Galar Pokémon will net players the Shiny Charm once again.
However, with the addition of the Isle of Armor DLC and a new 210 island focused Pokédex, players have a brand new journey and another on the way with the Crown Tundra DLC. Completing the Isle of Armor Dex will earn players a Replica Gold Crown to wear on their heads and a Mark Charm, which will help players find special Pokémon with secret marks.

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