‘Solace Dreams’ Remake Crosses DOOM with Dark Souls | Game Rant

The iconic first-person shooter, Doom, has been modified, tweaked, remixed, remade, and is still revered to this day. For a game that featured camel and baby jaguar sound effects, its enduring popularity is impressive. All of the modifications for Doom exist because the Doom engine proved to be so malleable that entirely new games could be created within it, and one of those games is receiving a remake.

Solace Dreams features a school-aged girl as its protagonist, following her as she enters the dreams of friends to save them from the horrors that plague them. Unlike Doom‘s run-and-gun style madness, Solace Dreams is a cross between a shooter and a Dark Souls-style game, challenging players to play offense and defense, and to master the game’s systems when tackling boss fights. There are also experience points to be had, a summoning mechanic, and in-game currency to spend.

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On the eve of Doom Eternal‘s DLC Showcase at Gamescom, some folks are likely more excited to learn about a fascinating mod like Solace Dreams and how they can get their hands on it. The game real does deliver on that “Souls-like” label while also bringing a health dose of PS1 era horror. In an extended look at the game from Alpha Beta Gamer, curious folks can get a good look at what the work-in-progress plays like.

At this point, finding some way to play Doom in Minecraft, or Doom in Excel, or Doom in Windows 10 Task Manager is absolutely a meme. But, more impressive is the reverse of that, when a completely new game like Solace Dreams is made in Doom and looks this good.

Solace Dreams Remake is in development with an alpha build available now for PC.

MORE: Doom Eternal Trailer Highlights New Render Modes


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