Bloodborne: 10 Hardest Ambushes In The Game | Game Rant

There are very few modern AAA game developers that make their games as challenging and adrenaline-inducing as FromSoftware does. The release of Dark Souls marked the start of a new era of gaming, where developers would finally start taking their player base seriously and release games that would actively challenge them at every step of the way without being too overbearing. FromSoftware’s track record since this groundbreaking title has been nothing short of stellar, with Bloodborne being a massive highlight in this regard. This game takes everything that Dark Souls did right and integrated it into a Gothic setting that’s full to the brim with Lovecraftian horrors. So, as one would assume, the hard-yet-fair difficulty has also been integrated into this title as well.

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Enemy placement is a big part of what makes Bloodborne such a nerve-wracking game, and players need to stay on their toes with every step they take, lest they get ambushed in ten of the most infamous encounters in Bloodborne.

10 The First Snatcher

Snatchers are one of the more infamous enemies in Bloodborne, and one need only play the game to understand why this is the case. After touching Laurence’s Skull, the game shifts into nighttime. During this period, Snatchers will come up in various areas of the game, and are incredibly powerful enemies that can completely destroy the player if they’re not prepared.

The worst part is that dying to one of these Snatchers will lead to the player getting abducted and thrown into another portion of the map, which has its own share of grievances.

9 The Eye-Stealing Witches

Upon being taken to the Hypogean Gaol, the player will find themselves in a whole world of trouble before finally discovering a lamp.

This includes being ambushed by two witches in the bottom floors, who straight up grab the hunter before trying to pry away his eyes. It’s a horrifying attack that most players would definitely try their hardest to avoid.

8 Encountering Three Hunters In Yahar’gul

After fighting Rom and triggering the Blood Moon, Yahar’gul finally opens up for the player to explore. It is easily one of the tougher and more annoying sections in the game, especially due to one particular ambush. Upon reaching the lamp that used to be for the Hypogean Gaol, the player is forced into a fight with what seems like two hunters. This seems manageable… until the third hunter comes out of nowhere and flips the script completely.

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All of a sudden, the player finds themselves permanently on the backfoot, and one wrong move can send them towards their deaths in a rather embarrassing fashion.

7 Chime Maidens That Force The Player Into A PvP Situation

Speaking of Yahar’gul village, it would be impossible to talk about this area and not mention the numerous annoying Chime Maidens present all over the area.

Taking down these Chime Maidens is the need of the hour, especially since they constantly force the player into unwanted PvP situations that can prove to be a major hindrance.

6 Triggering The Traps In The Forbidden Forest

While traps don’t necessarily count as ambushes, one can’t deny that the annoying nature of the Forbidden Forest leaves it to be the perfect area where ambushes can happen at any given second.

So, to take care of a particularly strong group of enemies only for a trap to be unwittingly triggered that completely decimates the player can prove to be quite an annoying moment indeed.

5 The Winter Lantern That Comes Out Of Nowhere In The Nightmare Frontier

Winter Lanterns are easily the worst enemy in Bloodborne by a country mile, and placing them in a secret area in the Nightmare Frontier as an ambush of sorts is easily the scummiest thing From Software has done in this game.

It doesn’t help that the player will probably be poisoned and low on health by the time they encounter the Winter Lantern, and a single buildup of Frenzy is bound to take the player out before they even know what happened.

4 Boulder-Throwing Yetis That Can One-Shot The Player

The Nightmare Frontier is also one of two Nightmare areas that has annoying Yetis throwing a ton of boulders at the player.

While these boulders are fairly slow and easy to dodge, one needs to keep in mind that the player will probably be occupied with some enemies during these encounters as well. To have one of these boulders randomly one-shot the player is a pretty crappy occurrence indeed.

3 Getting Ambushed By A Boatload Of Clocktower Patients In The Research Hall

The Old Hunters DLC is easily one of the greatest expansion packs ever released for any game, with the difficulty being ramped up way higher than the base game.

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A perfect ambush to describe this toughness would be the room with seemingly infinite Clocktower Patients in the Research Hall’s first floor, who can take the player completely by surprise and kill them before they even realize what happened.

2 Encountering A Giant Fishman For The First Time

The Giant Fishmen are easily the worst enemies that From Software has ever designed, and perhaps the scariest ones as well. They hit for a ton of damage, have a massive health pool, and and surprisingly fast for their size.

The first time players encounter this enemy is also somewhat of a surprise, especially since they’ll probably be too busy dealing with the magic casters and the smaller fishmen to notice this behemoth crawling up at them from behind.

1 The Trials And Tribulations To Get The Rakuyo

What’s worst that fighting one Giant Fishman? Why, fighting two Giant Fishmen of course!

Getting the Rakuyo is easily the hardest thing to do in the DLC, especially since players have to enter a well and fight one Giant Fishman… only for the second to jump down from the ceiling when the first Fishman is down to half health. Without the Shaman Bone Blade, this fight is pretty much close to impossible.

NEXT: 5 Bloodborne Fan Theories That Could Be True (& 5 We Hope Aren’t)


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