Dark Souls: 10 Enemies That Are Harder Than Any Boss In The Game

When one talks about some of the most important video games ever released in modern times, it goes without saying that Dark Souls would definitely be an inevitable part of the conversation. FromSoftware completely changed the landscape of gaming with the release of this masterpiece, which finally treated gamers like intelligent beings who could handle a degree of challenge as opposed to brain-dead individuals who needed their hand held at every step of the way. The enemies of Dark Souls comprise a large part of what makes the entire experience so memorably challenging, with some of these opponents being so overbearing that most players consider these foes to be harder than most of the bosses present in the game!

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So, keeping this in mind, here are ten of the hardest enemies ever in Dark Souls.

10 Giant Cat

There are only three Giant Cats in the game that don’t respawn after the player kills them, it’s the act of killing them itself that is arguably the most challenging part of reaching Sif’s boss arena.

For their size, these Giant Cats are incredibly fast and can hit like a truck if the player is caught in a tight spot. Unsuspecting players are bound to be stunlocked to death at least once by these creatures.

9 Black Knight

While Black Knights do become more manageable over time as the player progresses through the game, one can’t deny that the first few encounters with these enemies can prove to be a massive pain indeed.

This is especially true of the Black Knight present at the top of a random town in the Undead Parish, who can make short work of a beginner before they even realize what happened.

8 Wheel Skeleton

These enemies are inspired by the Wheel Skeletons in Berserk, so blame the legendary manga for making the trek through the Catacombs such an arduous endeavor.

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Getting stunlocked is easily one of the worst ways to die in Dark Souls, and these Wheel Skeletons specialize in the same. Getting caught by multiple chain attacks can quickly lead to a player’s swift demise.

7 Titanite Demon

The Titanite Demons might be some of the more impressive and awe-inspiring enemies present in the games, but one can’t deny that having to fight them — especially early in the game — can prove to be quite a massive pain.

While slow, these enemies hit like a truck and can take out an under-leveled player in just a few swings, making the act of fighting them for their Titanite drops an absolute pain.

6 Hydra

There are two Hydras present in Dark Souls, and both of them can deal a major whooping to the player if they don’t know how to deal with this enemy.

The strategy to beat them might sounds easy enough — block when they attack and then counter during the downtime — but executing this against such a massive and intimidating enemy can prove to be a rather daunting task indeed.

5 The Hellkite Wyvern

The Hellkite Wyvern is easily the most annoying obstacle that players will face early on in Dark Souls, with the daredevil act of evading this Wyvern’s flames getting really old after the first few instances.

The fact that this enemy hides a bunch of great loot under it makes it even more annoying for people who are bugged by this information, and trying to fight this Wyvern head-on in the early game is akin to a self-imposed death sentence.

4 Undead Dragon

There are two Undead Dragons present in the world of Dark Souls, and both of these enemies will make quick work of the player if they don’t have a viable strategy in mind to deal with this abomination.

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The fact of the matter is that the Undead Dragon is one of the most powerful enemies in the entire game, and his attacks hit like a truck. There’s a reason why most people choose to avoid this enemy altogether — the headache of fighting it is simply not worth it.

3 Anor Londo Archers

While it might be a bit of a stretch to just include a specific type of enemy on this list, one can’t deny just how much of a pain the Anor Londo archers can prove to be at times.

The scaffolding that the player needs to navigate is narrow enough as is, and forcing the player to dodge massive arrows while doing the same is asking just a bit too much indeed. The player needs to bring their A game and make sure that their movement and dodging is on point if they wish to make it through Anor Londo without any problems.

2 Havel The Rock

Havel The Rock is an enemy that can be fought early on… but it is highly recommended that players level up quite a bit before even thinking of taking this behemoth on.

After all, Havel The Rock is no slouch — staggering him is close to impossible, and his attacks can hit for a ton of damage if the player isn’t careful enough. If players really do want the legendary Havel’s Armor Set, then they need to fight to the best of their ability to secure even the slightest chance of victory.

1 Basilisk

It’s amazing how an enemy that only appears in one section of the game has frightened gamers to such a massive extent that they would prefer to ignore said area altogether instead of facing even one of these ghastly abominations.

Basilisks are widely reviled as one of the worst enemies in Dark Souls, mainly because of the fact that they can Curse the player and cause them a ton of grief as they try to figure out the fastest way possible to get rid of this debilitating status effect. It’s this reason alone that makes Basilisks the hardest enemies to deal with in Dark Souls.

NEXT: 5 Games To Play If You Like Dark Souls (& 5 You Should Avoid)


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