Rumor: New Monster Hunter Nintendo Switch Game Coming, Runs on RE Engine

Monster Hunter: World has been a massive success for Capcom, both financially and in terms of breathing new life into the long running franchise. Thanks to consistent updates, new events, and even a large expansion called Iceborne, Monster Hunter: World has been able to consistently keep players coming back for more. In fact, the game has continued to break numerous sales records, selling over 16 million copies since it launched back in 2018 with another 5.8 million units of the Iceborne expansion.

However, for all of the success Monster Hunter: World has seen, one major criticism Capcom has consistently received is the lack of a Nintendo Switch version. Capcom has addressed this issue numerous times, continuing to confirm that a Switch version of Monster Hunter: World would not be coming, though no explanation as to why has ever been given. Naturally, speculation seems to revolve around the fact that it could be contractual or that the Switch may not be able to handle the game.

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According to Capcom insider Dusk Golem, someone with a pretty good track record for leaking information early, the Nintendo Switch may be getting a brand new Monster Hunter coming to the Nintendo Switch. Dusk Golem mentioned that Capcom is likely going to be revealing Monster Hunter Switch and that it will be running a Switch compatible version of the RE Engine. As many fans know, the RE Engine was originally created to run Resident Evil 7. Since that point, the proprietary engine has seen continued use in many recent Capcom titles like Devil May Cry 5, both RE2 and RE3 remakes, and it’s going to be running the upcoming Resident Evil Village.

What makes this rumor so interesting is that Monster Hunter: World was built on a modified version of the somewhat dated MT Framework engine, which is also what the Switch specific Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is also using. For the Switch to get a new Monster Hunter game with the brand new engine is a pretty big deal for fans. Still, it’s worth remembering that this is just a rumor and fans should take it with a grain of salt until Capcom says otherwise.

In the meantime, Capcom recently held its final developer update for Monster Hunter World. The livestream confirmed a new roadmap of content and events for players to look forward to including a special anniversary event, festivals, and weekly event quests. However, the biggest piece to this is Title Update 5, which brings the fire-breathing Elder Dragon Fatalis into Monster Hunter World on October 1. The fight promises to be the most difficult yet as Fatalis is being positioned as the final boss of the game where players take it on in the ruins of Castle Schrade.

Monster Hunter World is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Monster Hunter World: How To Get A Spirited Canteen Ticket


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