Anyone who read The Witcher books or played The Witcher games is well aware that Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, or Ciri, is one of the most powerful characters in the entire franchise. She was born of the Elder Blood, giving her insane powers over space and time.
Though she is one of the toughest and strongest characters in The Witcher 3, with her natural-born powers and skills from being trained by witchers, there are some villains from other video games that might give her a run for her money. Here are 5 video game villains that Ciri could definitely take down if she faced them and 5 that would overpower her.
10 She Could Defeat: Ganon (Legend of Zelda)

Though Ganon is a formidable foe who has taken down Hyrule in many Legend of Zelda reincarnations and timelines, he is always brought to a halt by Link, Zelda, and their allies. Ganondorf, the mortal form of Ganon, could be struck down by the powerful Ciri easily since she can teleport and deal mighty magical blows to his body in the blink of an eye. His Ganon form may be much tougher to beat, but Ciri would definitely be able to take down the monstrous evil entity with her otherworldly magic skills and ability to twist time and space.
9 She Couldn’t Defeat: Alduin (Skyrim)

The main villain in Skyrim, Alduin, is the Nordic god of destruction. He is the son of the god of time, Akatosh, making him already a decent match for Ciri, since he is born with power similar to hers. He can consume and destroy souls of mortals easily and has incredibly strong magic powers, plus he’s giant and physically stronger than a human. The main reason Ciri would not be able to defeat Alduin is simply that even when his physical body is destroyed (which Ciri probably could d0), his soul lives on and he will eventually have to come back to fulfill his destiny in destroying the world.
8 She Could Defeat: The Joker (Batman Arkham Series)

The Joker makes for an amazing villain in the world of DC’s Arkham City where there aren’t many heroes that can truly overpower him and his vast intellect and resources. However, throw in a half-elf magic-wielding Lady of Space and Time into the mix and the Joker would be taken down for good!
Ciri can teleport across long and short distances, allowing her to home in on her opponents in a matter of seconds. The Joker is also simply a human so Ciri could strike him down in one blow. After defeating hundreds of Wild Hunt warriors, fighting a couple of humans with weapons wouldn’t be too hard for this intense woman.
7 She Couldn’t Defeat: The Reapers (Mass Effect)

The Reapers from Mass Effect are one of the most deadly and terrifying species in all of video game history. To put it simply, the Reapers are a combination of organic and synthetic beings that make up giant, mind-manipulating, hyper beam-shooting, galaxy-conquering sentient machines that wipe out the universe every 50,000 years. Now Ciri is definitely strong but taking down an entire race of beings that have absorbed billions of souls across millenniums is not something that she could do alone.
6 She Could Defeat: Majora (Legend of Zelda)

Not to say that Link is not a powerful hero, because he is, but Ciri definitely outshines him when it comes to physical abilities, magical skills, and eagerness to take down her enemies. In Majora’s Mask, Link has to defeat Majora to save the town he is stuck in, and he does so after freeing the Four Giants on a long quest. Majora’s biggest attack is its ability to twist minds, project illusions, and change reality. However, Ciri had to face the White Frost, an enemy that didn’t even have a physical form. The only way she can fight the world-ending phenomenon is with her mental strength.
5 She Couldn’t Defeat: Sephiroth (Final Fantasy)

Potentially one of the toughest, and definitely one of the most famous, enemies in the Final Fantasy franchise is Sephiroth. The dude is powerful, with superhuman strength, dark magic, and insane swordsman skills. His purpose in life is to become a god and destroy the world, which he almost ends up doing before Cloud and his team can defeat him.
The road to taking down the crazy villain is a long one, one that Cloud couldn’t do alone, and took some intense mental strength. Ciri couldn’t take down Sephiroth due to her not having a team to help her out, plus has never faced a boss that took on the form of an actual god before.
4 She Could Defeat: Darth Vader (Jedi Fallen Order)

The strongest man in the galaxy in the Star Wars game Jedi Fallen Order is Darth Vader. The sith lord has the training and power of the most accomplished Jedi, allowing him to overpower anyone who tries to stop him. Ciri, however, has magic abilities that could take on the Force and defeat Vader. Though from a different video game universe, Ciri uses something similar to the Force since she manipulates the energies in the world around her to teleport, hop across worlds, blast her enemies with intense power, and strike undetected.
3 She Couldn’t Defeat: Giygas (Earthbound)

Known as the embodiment of all evil and a cosmic destroyer, Giygas is basically undefeatable by a physical onslaught. Giygas wishes to plunge the entirety of life into a void of darkness and has the ability to do so, with his aggressive mind-controlling abilities. The classic Nintendo antagonist can only be defeated by nonphysical means and with the help of crucial Earthbound characters, where Ciri is alone and is most powerful using offensive attacks.
2 She Could Defeat: Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat)

One of the toughest bosses in the Mortal Kombat series, Shao Kahn has some insane powers. He resembles Ciri in that he can create portals, is a skilled fighter, and is very headstrong in combat.
However, those who have played Mortal Kombat 9 know that the best way to challenge the mighty foe is to stay out of his fighting range and to teleport behind him while he’s attacking to hit him with a barrage of attacks to his unprotected backside. And Ciri is definitely good at evasive, teleporting attacks!
1 She Couldn’t Defeat: Ardyn (Final Fantasy)

The main antagonist in Final Fantasy XV, Ardyn is a man of mystery, exuding incredible power that he gained over thousands of years plus being born with the power of kings. He can completely freeze time, which Ciri is not seen able to do in The Witcher, and he can take on the appearance of many other forms. He’s completely immortal and can only be defeated by the true king with the power of Providence. Since Ciri is not destined to get the Crystal’s power, she would not be able to defeat Ardyn even with all her might.

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