Apex Legends: Every Legend, Ranked For Season 6 | Game Rant

Season 6 for Apex Legends is out, and the new legend, Rampart, has joined the battle royale. Respawn has made changes to legends in hopes of shifting the meta and the legends that reign at the top level. The balance team at Respawn does a great job of buffing and nerfing characters, but there will always be legends that outperform others.

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Fans that play ranked, or players who just want an easier time destroying public lobbies, may want an edge on the competition, and there’s no better edge than playing the best legends. Here are all legends in season 6, ranked.

14 Octane

Our fast friend Octane received a highly requested buff during the Lost Treasures Collection event. This buff allowed anyone who bounced off of the jump pad to jump again once they were in the air. It wasn’t significant, and it didn’t make him much better, but it did help by allowing players who used the jump pad to not be easy targets. Octane is a bottom-tier character because he doesn’t bring much to the team. On the other hand, he’s one of the most enjoyable characters to play.

13 Loba

Loba won’t be stealing a higher spot on the legend ranking even with her new buff, which decreased her ultimate’s (Black Market) cooldown from 3 minutes to 90 seconds. As the season goes on, it’ll be interesting to see how this change may or may not affect the meta.

It doesn’t seem like a huge change because her tactical ability (Burglar’s Best Friend) is still slow to start up and has a long cooldown, and her passive ability (Eye For Quality) is only useful during the start of a match. The ultimate cooldown reduction will make her passive even more useless.

12 Mirage

Mirage, or The Best Competitor in a Battle Royale Based on Skills and Good Looks, received big buffs in season 5. He gained the ability to turn invisible when reviving teammates, control his clones, and he got a new ultimate that throws even the best of players off, allowing him to swing matches in his team’s favor.

Mirage is a team carry legend, so while he doesn’t bring the most to a team in terms of support utility, he makes up for it with strong offensive abilities.

11 Pathfinder

Pathfinder used to be Respawn’s poster boy, but now he’s turning into a thing of the past. Fans were hopeful for a buff with the launch of season 6, but he got a nerf that made his passive ability to scan beacons available to all recon legends (Crypto and Bloodhound).

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His new passive decreases his ultimate cooldown by 10 seconds each time he scans a beacon, capping at 6 scanned beacons. Pathfinder’s new passive is weak because his ultimate ability (Zipline Gun) already has a low cooldown. He does have a great escape and chase tool, but the cooldown was increased from 15 seconds to 35.

10 Bangalore

Bangalore is a consistently good legend even though she hasn’t received major buffs or changes to her kit. She did receive a buff in season 6 that reduced the cooldown of her ultimate (Rolling Thunder) from 4.5 minutes to 3 minutes. It’s not a lot, but Bangalore doesn’t need much improvement in the first place.

She has a smoke launcher that acts as a line of sight denial, and she has a passive ability (Double Time) that makes her almost as fast as Octane in a firefight.

9 Lifeline

Lifeline earned long-requested buffs in season 5, which brought better utility to her team. She can revive a teammate with D.O.C allowing her to provide cover to downed teammates. Respawn also buffed her care packages, making them drop better loot.

Lifeline is great for dealing with third parties, securing high-level shields with her care package, and saving teammates from the brink of death. All around, she’s great for teams, and she has a hitbox, like Wraith’s, making her hard to hit.

8 Caustic

Apex fans’ favorite pessimist, Caustic, is still stronger than ever. His ultimate ability (Nox Gas Grenade) allows him to gas almost an entire building. His barrels (Nox Gas Trap) allow him to fortify a building like Fort Knox.

He excels in both defense and offense, so much so that some teams in the ALGS (Apex League Global Series) used him to counter Wattson teams. He does have a bigger hitbox, but his passive (Fortified) helps him soak up more damage before going down.

7 Rampart

New legends have a history of being weak on launch, but Rampart has broken the curse. Rampart has strong defensive abilities. She has a shield which has three charges and allows her to make a defensive position even stronger. Rampart’s ultimate (Emplaced Minigun ‘Sheila’) tears through teams that try to run past her. Her passive increases the reload speed and magazine size on LMG’s. She goes great in defensive compositions. It won’t be surprising if she shifts the game back to a defense-based meta.

6 Revenant

Revenant received big buffs to his kit last season with the Lost Treasures update. His active ability (Silence) was given two charges, and it shut down abilities for a longer period of time. Couple this with the range on his Death Totem being removed and you’ve got an aggressive monster.

Professional teams used Wraith, Crypto, and Revenant to rack up kill points and place higher in tournaments. He received a nerf this season that stops players from using Wraith’s portal 2 seconds after being respawned at the totem. His nerf isn’t big enough to knock him down from mid-high tier.

5 Gibraltar

Gibraltar is stronger than ever even after receiving a nerf this season, which increased the cooldown of Defensive Bombardment from 3.5 minutes to 4.

Back in season 4, he received numerous buffs, and that included the infamous fast revive in his Dome of Protection. That buff, in particular, made Lifeline useless for a long time. Still, he beats Lifeline when it comes to support utilities and fighting in firefights because his gun shield and fortified passive ability soak up a lot of damage.

4 Crypto

New characters in Apex Legends tend to start off weak, with the exception of Rampart and Wattson. Crypto started off weak with the release of season 3, and he didn’t receive any notable buffs until season 5. Crypto and Lifeline were in similar positions. Both legends did their jobs better.

His EMP buff in season 5 made him great for aggressive team play. Crypto is good on his own because of his scouting ability, but when he is combined with Revenant, he’s unstoppable.

3 Bloodhound

Allfather blessed Bloodhound with a buff this season, and it allows him and everyone else in the recon class (Crypto and Pathfinder) to scan beacons.

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Bloodhound also received buffs to his ultimate that extended the duration by 15 seconds after downing an enemy and reduced the cooldown of Eye of The Allfather to 6 seconds. Players that find themselves fighting a Crypto, Bloodhound, and Revenant team would be better off running away.

2 Wattson

Even after receiving nerfs to her trophy system last season, Wattson is still a powerful legend to have on your team. Her fences (Perimeter Security) allow her to shut down an entire building or choke point.

Playing Wattson with a recon class legend will help secure a spot in the final circle, and that’s where she really shines. Wattson is the best at defense because her trophy system destroys grenades, allowing her team to safely sit behind cover.

1 Wraith

Wraith has received the most nerfs in the game, and yet she still sits on the throne as the best legend. She was an aggressive nightmare, but last season Respawn nerfed her active ability (Into The Void), increasing the time to activate the ability.

Respawn’s hope was to make the ability more for scouting and make Wraith players cautious of aggressive fighting. They succeeded, but she’s still the top legend because her ultimate (Dimensional Rift) has the best utility.

NEXT: Apex Legends: Season 6’s 10 Biggest Changes & Updates


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