Bloodborne: 10 Unique Bosses In The Game, Ranked | Game Rant

When one talks about some of the best games ever released on the PlayStation 4, it goes without saying that Bloodborne would be an inevitable part of this conversation. It’s easy to see why this is the case — the atmosphere, combat, and lore present in this Lovecraftian adventure is second to none, and a big part of why the game is so revered amongst the fanbase. From Software have truly knocked it out of the park with this Gothic masterpiece.

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Of course, any conversation about Bloodborne would be incomplete without mentioning the litany of amazing bosses. They have offered up some truly memorable adrenaline-inducing battles that have been etched in the minds of Bloodborne players all over the globe. In fact, some of these bosses are so off-kilter in their design that they’re bound to raise an eyebrow or two, in no small part due to the mysterious backgrounds of these entities.

Keeping this in mind, here are ten of the most unique and memorable bosses in Bloodborne.

10 Rom, The Vacuous Spider

The Moonlit Lake is easily one of the most beautiful boss arenas that From Software has ever designed. So, it would only be fitting for a special arena like this to feature one of the more unique and memorable bosses in the game.

Rom is not exactly the most beloved boss in the series — in fact, most people hate this boss’ guts with a passion. However, one can’t deny that this fight is easily one of the more unique encounters in the game, forcing players to think on their feet and adapt to new strategies on the fly.

9 The One Reborn

The One Reborn might be one of the easier bosses on this list — with the biggest challenge coming from the Chime Maidens hurling projectiles at the player — but there’s no denying that this boss has one of the most revolting yet entrancing introductions in the game.

Watching this unholy abomination drop from the sky is a truly grotesque moment… although it is somewhat disappointing to realize just how much of a non-threat this boss really is.

8 Micolash, Host Of The Nightmare

Here comes another boss whose difficulty only stems from its gimmick. Micolash might be nothing more than your run-of-the-mill suped-up hunter fight, but its the context and the various situations this boss fight forces players into that make it somewhat memorable.

Micolash goads the player into entering constricted rooms, where he brings forth his minions to help him in battle. However, this doesn’t last for long, and whittling this boss’ health to half causes him to fake his own death in one of the most unconvincing pretend-deaths in video game history — especially since his health bar is still visible!

The player needs to engage in another extended game of cat-and-mouse before they’re able to corner and defeat this hunter once and for all.

7 The Witches Of Hemwick

The easiest boss in Bloodborne has a gimmick that makes it equal parts annoying yet unforgettable. Entering the boss area causes the Witch of Hemwick’s health bar to appear, along with the summoning of a rather docile Mad One as well.

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While this encounter might seem ridiculously easy, the boss does throw a curveball by introducing another Witch as well. However, the laid-back nature of all the enemies means that this boss fight rarely poses any challenge to the player.

6 Amygdala

After seeing the entire area littered with Lesser Amygdalas all over the map, one might assume that they would get the opportunity to fight one as well. Players who wish to fulfill this wish can do precisely that… albeit at the cost of traversing one of the worst areas in the entire game.

The fight against Amygdala herself is quite entertaining however, with a fair bit of strategy involved to defeat this monstrosity. The fact that this boss literally rips two of her arms out to use as makeshift melee weapons is enough to make her unique, compared to the other encounters on this list.

5 Celestial Emissary

The Celestial Emissary is easily one of the most boring bosses in the entire game… but one can’t deny that the fight itself is somewhat unique.

Players need to wade through a number of identical enemies, in order to get to one figure that is standing back and not really being all that aggressive. This turns out to be the Emissary, who — after taking sufficient damage — transforms… into a bigger version of the regular enemy model.

Well, it might not be the most inspired boss fight, but it’s certainly unique in a sense.

4 Ebrietas, Daughter Of The Cosmos

The problems of the Celestial Emissary boss fight can be completely forgiven, given the very next boss that players can fight.

Ebrietas is easily the hardest main game boss, with attacks that hit like a truck and a massive store of hit points that will take a lot of time to whittle down. Fighting this boss is the ultimate test of patience, and one small misstep can lead to a swift death for the hunter.

3 Orphan Of Kos

It’s a testament to the sheer quality of The Old Hunters DLC that three of its five bosses have wholly unique designs and are yet incredibly challenging — and fun — to fight against.

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However, the word “fun” might not be the best descriptor for the Orphan of Kos fight. It’s easily the hardest boss in the game by a country mile, and the fact that he uses freakin’ placenta as a weapon can certainly be quite humiliating indeed.

2 Laurence, The First Vicar

Laurence is easily one of the cheapest and most frustrating bosses in Bloodborne… but one can’t deny that this boss subverts expectations in a truly brilliant manner.

Players who were just expecting a reskin of the Cleric Beast with fire attacks would certainly be (unpleasantly) surprised to see the third phase, where Laurence loses his entire lower half and drags his upper body all around the arena.

The most impressive part about this phase is that Laurence actually gets harder after losing his limbs — a feat that only From Software could’ve achieved.

1 Ludwig, The Accursed/Ludwig, The Holy Blade

The greatest boss in Bloodborne is also the most unique one of the lot, and anyone who’s played through The Old Hunters DLC can attest to why this is the case.

Watching the once-great Ludwig be reduced to a mad beast is saddening in its own way… that is, until he sees the light of his Holy Moonlight Sword and turns into an entirely different beast altogether.

It’s in the second phase where Ludwig truly becomes a hunter and engages in a proper duel with the player, which is easily one of the most epic moments in the game.

NEXT: 5 Ways Bloodborne Is The Best Dark Souls Spinoff (& 5 It’s Sekiro)


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