Call of Duty: Warzone Buy Station Bug Causing Issues for Players

While no one can deny that the game has been a smash hit since its release last year, it also cannot be denied that Call of Duty: Warzone still has problems. Since its launch, Warzone has been filled with glitches and bugs causing problems for players. These have ranged from the helpful, like the recent Superstore money glitch, to the obnoxious, like the execution bug that killed players for a while.

The unending stream of problems for Call of Duty: Warzone is really to be expected considering the state of the game. Warzone is constantly being updated, so a lot of changes get made all the time, and naturally, there are going to be mistakes. As good as the programmers at Infinity Ward are, and as diligently as they work, even they can’t catch everything.

RELATED: Call of Duty: Warzone Confirms Bug Fixes Coming in Season 5 Update

Many of these problems have come and gone rather quickly, reported by players and then patched up in due time. However, there are a few Warzone bugs that seem to mutate and return in different forms. One of these is a bug that has been around since the start of the game in one form or another: Buy Station paralysis.

There is a bug in the game that is causing players to be locked in place after using a Buy Station to purchase revives, especially if the player was lying prone while doing so. This is not like the glitch that stuck Warzone players in place between landscape features a while ago, although it may share some traits with that glitch.

The glitch seems to trigger when players use a Buy Station, and renders them unable to move from the spot they did so. In some cases, it looks like players get trapped under the Buy Station, and in at least one case a player has been caught between the Station and a wall. An earlier version of a Buy Station glitch saw the players who were getting revived stuck in place instead, so there is definitely precedent for this. To an outsider, it may look like the Warzone player in question is just playing dead, but there’s just as much chance they’re stuck in prone and can’t move.

The glitch will, if not somehow cleared by the player, almost completely guarantee a game over. The player cannot flee from enemy fire, and even if enemies never find them, they will almost certainly be caught by the advancing gas. At least the Warzone players spawned straight into the Gulag still had a fighting chance to get back into the game, but this glitch shuts them out completely.

Perhaps the Buy Stations themselves will be weaponized soon. A while ago there was a Warzone glitch that turned objects invisible. Perhaps some enterprising players could find a way to fuse the two glitches, creating invisible Buy Station mines that will freeze players if they use them by accident. But Infinity Ward will probably have all the glitches fixed by the time someone figures out how. Surely.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Call of Duty: Warzone Devs Working on Superstore Money Glitch

Source: Dexerto


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