Every Godfall Valorplate Revealed So Far | Game Rant

Godfall is the upcoming looter-slasher action-RPG from Gearbox Games. Set in a high fantasy setting divided into the realms of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit, the game will mix third-person melee combat with a loot-based progression system. As players advance through Godfallthey’ll discover Valorplates, divine suits of armor that enhance and alter their combat abilities.

There are 12 of these Valorplates in Godfall, each of which is based on a Zodiac sign with a unique animal-motif. Thus far, Counterplay has revealed about 11 (some full reveals, some not so much) of the Valorplates in the promotional material so far, and learned the names of 9 of them. The 12th design remains a mystery for now, but players are already wildly speculating based on screenshots from the trailers. To clear things up, here’s our breakdown of everything we know so far about Godfall‘s Valorplates.

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The Valorplate that we’ve been given the most information on is Silvermane, the Lion plate. Based on the Leo Zodiac, Silvermane is a tough plate that focuses on powerful crowd-control abilities. A Valorplate with more of a damage-focus is Hinterclaw, the Wolf Plate, which has major bonuses to Critical Hits.

For players who prefer their glass-cannons with more of a magical theme, there’s Mesa, the Ram Plate. Based on the Capricorn Zodiac, Mesa appears to have the ability to summon totems which scorch enemies with rays of purple energy. Another mysterious Valorplate is Typhon, which was revealed in a recent trailer. Although Typhon is a serpent in greek mythology, its pauldron in Godfall seems to resemble a seahorse instead. This aquatic theme could mean that Typhon represents the Aquarius Zodiac in the game.

Just like Silvermane, Greyhawk and Phoenix were two of the first Valorplates to be revealed. The first of these, Greyhawk, has a Hawk-motif, and seems to be based around fast-attacks and high-mobility. It’s unclear at the moment which Zodiac Greyhawk represents. It’s also hard to say which Zodiac the Phoenix Valorplate is supposed to be, though we do know that it can activate a glowing, fiery aura

Another elemental-themed Valorplate is Vertigo, the Moth Plate. Revealed in a recent trailer, Vertigo is a fast, nimble plate with a few shock-based abilities. Once again, it’s unclear at this point which Zodiac Vertigo represents.

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Of the 12 Valorplates in the game, there are two that can be seen in trailers but haven’t yet been named, and two that have been named but not yet shown. The first of the named but unseen Valorplates is Armistice, a plate that uses a synonym for peace, but appears to be anything but peaceful. In a recent interview, it was revealed that Armistice is a plate that blends high DPS with crowd-control, making it something of a hybrid. The other unseen Valorplate, Sirius, was named in that same interview, but we don’t know anything yet about its capabilities. It’s worth noting however that the name Sirius is most often associated with dogs.

The first of the Valorplates that have been seen but not named has a Bull motif, with curving horns, a solid, bulky appearance, and a red-gold color scheme. This is most likely the plate that represents the Taurus Zodiac sign. The other unnamed plate is a little more mysterious, and appears to have a large single horn on its helmet. This, coupled with its size, has lead players to suspect it has a Rhinoceros motif.

Finally, there is one mysterious Valorplate that has neither been seen or named so far. It could be that the design isn’t yet finalized, or it may be that Counterplay purposefully holding the 12th suit back, ready for a big, dramatic reveal somewhere closer to release.

Godfall is in development for PC and PS5.

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