Overwatch Fan Makes Horror PvE Mode | Game Rant

Overwatch fans have been keeping the game alive through workshop modes while Blizzard releases repeat seasonal events and focuses on Overwatch 2. One of these modes may be the coolest yet, leaning heavily on horror themes that players wouldn’t usually expect to see in Overwatch.

Content creator Therister shared the mode within a reddit post, attaching a trailer so that players could get a feel for the mode. The premise becomes clear rather quickly, and the mode is surprisingly terrifying. If Blizzard had come up with the idea first, Glitch In The System could easily have featured in an official Overwatch Halloween event. The mode is yet another example of players pushing the envelope in terms of what can be done with Workshop mode, as fans even created a new ultimate for Brigitte recently.

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Within the trailer, players can be seen trying to gather a series of purple orbs while being chased by glitchy, bloodthirsty versions of Sombra. Upon collecting 10 orbs, players will successfully survive the mode, though that will be no easy task as Therister states that “there are over 150 possible orb locations.” These versions of Sombra are even more terrifying than Mei, who may be getting an official rework, as they make some truly creepy noises while they stalk the player.

Players take control of Talon leader Doomfist within the PvE mode, a character some consider to be one of Overwatch’s coolest heroes. His mobile moveset allows some means of escape when the glitches get close, keeping the mode fair and balanced. The “dynamically generated pathfinding” of the AI Sombras allows for profoundly different experiences every time, and Therister confirmed that the experience gets harder with each orb gathered. More glitched Sombras will spawn in, and players will begin to hallucinate at a higher rate when they do.

The hallucinations are a very cool touch in the workshop mode, with text flashing on the screen that says things like “JI’m here.” It’s a small touch in the grand scheme of things, but one that helps make “Glitch In The System” a the haunting experience that it seems to be. When combined with the Halloween version of Hollywood (which was changed further in this mode to add more smoke density), it really feels like players have no escape. The mode can be played in single-player or with three friends, greatly adding to its replayability, and it joins Overwatch Fight Club as one of the coolest workshop creations ever.

While Fortnite players are redesigning Fall Guys stages in their creative mode, Overwatch creators clearly have some scarier themes in mind. “Glitch In The System” is an incredibly cool mode that truly shows the potential within Overwatch’s workshop mode, and it’s something that players should dive into as soon as possible.

Overwatch is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.

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