Bloodborne: 10 Mind-Blowing Fan Theories You Had No Idea About

Video games with mysterious stories aren’t really all the norm, what with most modern AAA games shoving their plot down the throat of most players, regardless of whether they’re interested in it or not. This is what makes the games of FromSoftware feel so fresh and unique — unlike most cut-and-dry modern titles, games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne don’t clue players in to the plot in an overt fashion. Instead, it’s up to the player to read lore descriptions and pay attention to NPC lines in order to figure out what is even going on.

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Bloodborne is certainly one of FromSoftware’s more mysterious offerings, and players have gone above-and-beyond the call of duty in order to figure out what the entire story and lore of this Lovecraftian world is all about. As is the case with most Lovecraft-inspired pieces of work, the story of Bloodborne really takes some digging to unravel, and the theories that have originated as a result are truly fascinating in every sense of the word. To further illustrate this point, here are ten of the most unbelievable fan theories about Bloodborne that will surely blow your mind.

10 The Hunter Armor Originated Out Of A Need To Be Faster Than The Beasts

In the Chalice Dungeons, players can stumble upon rooms with heaps of metal armor lying on the floor. This is surmised to be the old equipment that hunters used against beasts, before realizing that the metal made it harder to evade the strikes of the beasts they were hunting.

So, the hunters decided to prioritize speed over protection, which led to the Hunter’s garb becoming the norm.

9 Maria And Gehrman Are Forcing The Player To Give Up And Never Figure Out The Mystery Of The Hunt

Maria and Gehrman are two of the old hunters that players need to fight in their quest to discover the truth of the Nightmare. Of course, they’re also two of the hardest bosses in the game as well.

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In a way, both these hunters are doing their best to actively discourage the player and prevent him from progressing further by shattering their will.

8 Maria Was Researching Human Patients To Turn Them Into Great Ones Before The Guilt Became Too Much To Bear

Maria is easily one of the most intriguing characters in Bloodborne, and this won’t be the last time her name is mentioned on this list. She had been a part of two major incidents in the Fishing Hamlet and the Research Hall.

The latter is quite intriguing since the evidence suggests that Maria was trying her hardest to engineer a Great One, without any success. Eventually, the inhumanity of the experimentation in the Research Hall was too much for her to bear, and she took her own life.

7 Gehrman Loved Maria, And Created The Doll In Her Likeness After Her Death

Gehrman and Maria were especially close, with some surmising that the former even loved the latter.

The best way to illustrate Gehrman’s attachment to Maria can be seen by observing the doll, who looks like a spitting image of Maria herself. It’s very much possible that Gehrman created the doll in Maria’s likeness so that she could provide him company in the solitude of the Hunter’s Dream.

6 The Orphan Was Forced Into Existence As A Result Of The Nightmare

In the real world, Kos was hauled off the scholars of Byrgenwerth in order to be experimented on. This incited the Great One into cursing the hunters responsible to be trapped in the Hunter’s Nightmare… but this had an unintended side effect.

The body of Mother Kos in the Nightmare now gives birth to a child — an outcome that wasn’t intended by the Great One… although it did make for an amazing and conclusive boss fight to one of the best and most challenging DLCs ever released for a video game.

5 Each Hunter Turns Into A Different Version Of The Cleric Beast If They Ingest Too Much Blood

The Cleric Beast, Vicar Amelia, and Laurence are all slightly different versions of what appears to be a rather unanimous transformation when a person is maddened in their thirst for blood.

Thus, it can be surmised that turning into a Cleric Beast-like being is pretty much the norm for any person who loses themselves in their misguided quest for enlightenment through blood infusion.

4 Logarius Resigned Himself To Guarding The Vileblood Queen’s Chamber So That No One Would Learn Of Her Nightmarish Existence

Logarius is considered to be a Martyr by the Executioners, although the truth is far from it… and somehow even sadder.

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After finding out the nature of the Vileblood Queen’s existence and the fact that she can be revived indefinitely, Logarius resigned himself to guarding the Queen’s Chamber for all eternity. It’s only until the player encounters and defeats this once-proud warrior that he is finally laid to rest.

3 The Vileblood Queen Is Using The Blood Dregs To Impregnate Herself

Speaking of the Vileblood Queen, one should definitely take a close look at the image of the Blood Dregs that she’s asked the hunter to seek out.

These Blood Dregs resembles sperm, which — disturbingly enough — hints towards the fact that the Vileblood Queen is using these items to try and conceive a child that could help revive the dynasty of the Vileblood royalty.

2 The Pthumerian Queen Is Crying Because The Wet Nurse Ripped Mergo From Her Womb

One of the more mysterious and haunting images near the end of Bloodborne is when the player notices a distraught ghostly figure crying, her stomach bloodied for a mysterious reason.

This lady is the Pthumerian Queen, and it’s highly likely that the Wet Nurse actually ripped Mergo from the Queen’s womb. The fact that she bows to you after you kill Mergo’s Wet Nurse adds a ton of credibility to this fact indeed.

1 There’s A Rune That Has Never Been Shown In Bloodborne

The Astral Clocktower that one can interact with after defeating Lady Maria shows a bunch of rune inscriptions as it opens the pathway to the Fishing Hamlet… except for one anomaly that hasn’t been revealed yet in Bloodborne.

This inscription could perhaps be on the Tier 3 Guidance Rune, something that hasn’t been discovered yet and is rumored to be in the lowest depths of the Chalices.

NEXT: 10 Nearly-Impossible Games That Are Harder Than Bloodborne


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